
Thank you! Yup, I have my buddies for the charting I prefer listening especially since I am on social all day long.

Glad you brought up Trends because there were plenty of times and even recent, when I knew of the trend(s) yet I would make bad trading decisions by either not getting involved 0r getting out of something while the trend was happening. For instance, when I first heard that Litecoin was going to be traded on the Coinbase platform AND by hearing of the Segwit movement, my mind was telling me to buy while it was still pretty cheap compared to now($5) yet, I waited a couple days with doubt then BAM too late as price shoots up to double digits thus making me upset that I didn't get on-board then to only find myself not wanting to get in. The mind can play tricky games so, in the words of @craig-grant "just let it flow" ;)
Thx f0r encouraging me to stop hesitating when I hear of trends ;)

Exactly, I bought Litecoin as soon as Charlie mentioned it on Twitter. I admit that I never owned it before.