Thus far write access for the front-end display has remained until 1st payment is processed. I believe self-curation will serve both the author and the platform. Curators will get to decide which posts they want to keep and content which is not of value to the platform will not be missed. The more users who self-curate the less content to wade through finding the valuable ones. Additionally if curators want a specific piece of content to remain on the platform they will be incentivized to ensure authors are rewarded appropriately.
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hi I would like nothing more than to remove some of my earlier articles here !! Thing is how do i go about it ??
It is all permanently stored on the blockchain even if you edit it you are just changing the view of the post. So removing posts earlier which have paid out is not possible. You can remove it from the website before it pays out but that is all the power you have. Use it wisely my friend.