Do you constantly dig up in doubt, what you planted in faith?
You have big dreams. You want to pursue your purpose. You want to be used by God but you cannot seem to silence the voice in your head that says you’re not good enough?
This is something I’ve struggled with for most of my life. Being the shy and introverted girl that I am, I’ve always thought twice before doing anything.
I didn’t know if I’d be good enough. I didn’t know if people would like me, I didn’t even know if I would like myself if something went wrong. So every time I had the slightest doubt on the final outcome of something, I’d hold myself back and give in to my fears.
Writing was the one thing I’ve done ever since I learned how to. But I allowed my fear of judgment and the fact that I didn’t feel good enough, hold me back from putting it out there.
In my life, I allowed self-doubt to hold me back from so much until I realized exactly who I am and whose I am.
Every single one of you can pursue your purpose without fear because as a daughter of God, you are able to overcome self-doubt by reminding yourself of just one thing:
Your Identity in Christ.
You are a son or daughter of the King.
You are the righteousness of God in Christ.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
You are created in God’s image and still, you doubt yourself?
Child of God, you need to keep reminding yourself of who you are. This is the only way to silence those negative voices in your head telling you that you can’t do something. It’s a lie! You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength (Phil 4:13).
Self-doubt is nothing but God-doubt.
We know that with God all things are possible yet we deem some things impossible for us.
We know that God has a plan and purpose for our lives yet we still worry about what our future holds.
We know that we can do all things through Christ yet we’re constantly saying we can’t do this or that. It makes no sense!
I’ve grown up a Christian, so I’ve always known all of this and yet I still struggled.
The thing is, we get so caught up in the noise of this world. So caught up in trying to please people that we forget that at the end of the day we’re here to please God.
We’re here to fulfill His purpose for our lives. So only His opinion should matter.We are made by God and for God, until we realize that and truly accept it, life will never really make sense.
Have you ever read the story of Moses? So many of us are like him. God is telling us “this is what I need you to do” and our self-doubt is causing us to say “why me God? I cannot do it.”
The calling on your life will scare you, it’s supposed to, because God does not expect you to go out and do it on your own. He wants to go with you.
His strength is made perfect in your weakness, so do it weak, do it even when you’re not sure that you can and just trust that God can.
We need to stop being so self-conscious and start to get God-conscious. This is the only way to really overcome self-doubt.
As humans it’s natural for us to doubt our abilities, we’re not perfect and we will make mistakes. This is why we need to always remind ourselves of who God is and who we are in him.
The only way to completely destroy the lies of the enemy is to fight back with God’s truth. Learn the truth and you will definitely overcome self-doubt. You will be a Godfident person who knows that God will not let you fail.
This is all there is to it. If you truly trust God, if you put all your faith in him, his power will work in and through you. You will reach heights you never thought possible. You will become the best version of yourself, you will become the version he created you to be.
Free yourself of the limiting beliefs that have held you back for so long. Surrender yourself wholly and completely to your limitless God. Your time is now.