
in #self-esteem8 years ago (edited)

Most of us at some point have been bothered about the branding of the clothes we purchase. I'll Admit to it. We have been lead into a false sense of security that if we buy the most expensive brands we are instantaneously safe from the cruel remarks of the people around us. That our reputation is increased. Regardless of what your opinion may be, these brands won't last forever!
Until we realise this, we will grow old believing that are reputation lies in the hands of the brands we buy. Therefore if we get to a stage in life when we can't afford these brands, our ignorance will make us believe we aren't good enough. My advice would be to focus more on who you are and being the best you can be! ;)


Below are my thoughts about your statement

"I'll Admit to it. We have been lead into a false sense of security that if we buy the most expensive brands we are instantaneously safe from the cruel remarks of the people around us. That our reputation is increased. "

People should take a mental inventory of the people whose opinion matters to them. Your self perception should not be based on the opinion of what a stranger thinks or what someone who only knows a fraction of you thinks. You can spend your whole life trying to gain a favorable opinion from others and before you know it you hate yourself more and more because there is no longer you, just an illusion of you that you created. Be something more than what others want you to be be what you want to be.