It takes a remarkable amount of repetition before things "take." And it takes even more if the "healing alternative" isn't more attractive than the current habit... which is often. Not because we don't recognize a path to healing but because we get super comfortable in our destructive patterns... and the (new) way out feels awkward and unnatural... even if it will be awesome three months from now.
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It's sad and true, a good thing that I see today is that more people recognize their destructive behavior as such, and it's because general knowledge about destructive behavior is more common now.
so more people get to decide or at least get concerned early enough about it.
this leaves in many people in trouble - those who know about the dangers, don't feel the consequences, and are too comfortable to change.. I think that is where Influencers need to chime in. one form of influence is youtube self help guides, and that's why I think it's important to know about the dangers of getting comfortable watching them and doing nothing. Youtube self help influencers are great in my opinion because besides giving solutions/patterns to work on - they try to infect you with positive emotion and good hope in healing.