We all have things we cannot stand doing! Get them done with these hacks.
There is no bigger truth than the inevitability. Some things had to be done, no matter what. Therefore, it is discerning and insightful that you keep yourself motivated.
Regarding the same, I have mentioned below certain ways and tactics you can adopt to keep yourself impelled to do something you don’t want to do.
Embrace and focus on the task
By focusing on something, you are going to enjoy it, eventually, if not at first. Adopting it will put you mind at ease and help you gain acceptance of the task. This is one of the most elemental ways you can proceed towards, to get yourself and engaged and motivated for doing something you are not particularly enjoying doing.
Think of the reason of which you are doing it in the first place
Soon as your work begins feeling like monotonous, and the urge which used to drive you previously isn’t doing so anymore, think of the reason for which you were doing it in the first place. The primary reason a person works is to provide for their family and look after their welfare and interests. And this reliability will persist forever, and you can refuel your motivation with this train of thought.
Do it with close acquaintances and friends
This is one of those tricks that work effectively and makes your output efficient. Anything, however miserable, can be accomplished at ease with friends. Remember those entire horrid practical and viva-voce of college, and how your friends helped you overcome every bit and ounce of it.
Set ambitious parameters
To get through something that you don’t want to do, being overly ambitious about it can get the problem solved. If a task demands 10 days for its completion, in general, accumulate your wits and muster your enthusiasm, do it in 5 days. It will reduce your sufferings by half. Though, similar stern statistics can’t be matched, still, the joy of having suffering less can be a significant pool of motivation you can bathe in.
Look for the positives and count on them
If you sit back and analyze, you will realize that a lot of things which you didn’t wanted to do at first, proved highly useful in life. And attaining those skills never turned out to be futile or in vain. And indeed, there are positives to everything. Once you embark to count off on those things, you will feel utterly impelled for the work you were initially reluctant and skeptical about doing.
I love this hehe!
I really love the wide variety of posts you do. Not only are you an incredible artist, but also offer some great practical advice. I know for me i want to be successful writing heartfelt posts, controversial posts, humorous posts, and post that cause people to think.
I've realized that my smart phone causes far to many distractions, and have decided to dedicate some serious time to brainstorming and writing without my tiny electronic companion.
I always glean a few nuggets of great advice from you and hope you will continue to post with frequency.
Tried to reach out to you on Facebook, but I am sure you are quite busy at this time juggling your many passions/duties.
And also did you pick a winner for the art drawing contest? I didn't see if you said who it was or if it will be a secret reveal for your next post. I am not always good at being patient even though I try 😀 best wishes! @bendjmiller222
Hello :) thank you for your nice comment :)
heres the link
I'm glad you have decided to set aside the phone for now :) It distracts me too! But I know when to put it down and grab an old fashioned pen and paper. Nothing could ever replace that to me!
With the drawing post, I plant to start the portrait tomorrow. I picked the first one, But I won't share yet. Heheh! I am hoping to have the first one completed by Tuesday, Then I'll start to tackle the other ones one by one. I like to draw the portraits in one sitting if possible. So sometimes it can be hard to set aside a block of time!
On average each portrait takes me about 2 hours in pencil And 4 hours if I do pen.
Thanks for your nice words and I can't wait to hear from you :)
Wonderful! As a small time graphic artist with no no skills in painting or drawing, I truly appreciate your works.
I think offering some of your artwork + shipping or limited edition autographed prints may be something you could do here. You have proven to be an honest person, and I would be happy to purchase some art from you someday with steem. Even prints (as I don't know how you'd feel about mailing art through the site in case someone tried to scam you out of a high dollar work) would be a potentially lucrative idea to gain more fans of your incredible work and add to your steem power or personal fiat wallet 😀.
So we will be seeing the flying spaghetti monster in all his noodled glory in the near future! Should be a fun and interesting piece! (I don't know how I got you two confused, but that part is for @katecloud lol https://steemit.com/art/@katecloud/inspire-me) Hope you get a chance to see that post as well
Aww thank you!
I would love to sell on here, I could autograph my coloring books and leave them for sale. LOL It's okay! I love Katecloud's blog anyways hehe! I'm glad we have more artists here on Steemit.
Yes I agree you both do some great work (who knows maybe you could collaborate with her on a project and split the profits :)
And when you've succeeded,
Hahaha OMG!! That is so funny
wow cool
nice post
Thank you :)
Very inspiring! Thanks @kaylinart!
No problem :)
You know, I always liked the simple in form but profound thoughts. Just like these. I agree with each of them. Wonderful post! Thank you, Kaylin! ;)
As far as I see it, a good artist is always a good psychologist and philosopher. Yes, probably every person who knows what creativity is. Because in the end, creativity requires self-discovery. So if you're immersed in the creative process, like it or not - you will be a good psychologist and a philosopher :)
Thank you so much! Aww that's good to know that artists can be great psychologists and philosophers. Those are things I want to learn more about
Very good advice for procrastinators (like me ;).
Another excellent tool is reward. After doing something you hate, reward yourself with something you really love.