Levels of spiritual development #9: Cyan level of spiritual development

     On the green-cyan transition, the will is again "switched on". This can frighten, because it seems to the person that he again returns to the yellow level of spiritual development. But by this moment the ego is already completely subordinated to the will of the Spirit, and the person's personal desire and the desire of the Higher Self are inseparable. A man of the Cyan level does not drag others into the "bright future", but so energetically pumps others around that they understand their own karmic tasks. In it already speaks the Divine will.

   But it should be understood that the will on the cyan level of spiritual development is fundamentally different from the will on the yellow level of spiritual development. The will over the yellow level of spiritual development is the will of the Ego. The will on the cyan level of spiritual development is coordinated with the divine will. A person begins to understand that after reincarnation he will come to the world that he leaves behind today. And he realizes that he can make the world a better place, that God has no other hands but his.

What a man does at the cyan level of spiritual development in this world, he does not for himself, but for the world. This is the level of co-creation of the divine will. A man of the cyan level of spiritual development feels, conducts and implements the divine will on the earthly, material level. A simple household example. A person walks and sees garbage. This is not his fault. But he removes garbage, because it is his street, city, planet, universe.

   At the cyan level of spiritual development, a person again returns to active activity, but this activity basically different from activity on the yellow level of spiritual development. On the yellow level of spiritual development man acts for himself, for his own good. The activity of a person at the cyan level of spiritual development is aimed at improving the whole world.

   A man of the cyan level of spiritual development begins to change the world, based on an understanding of its complexity, beauty and system. He does it carefully and environmentally.

   The cyan level of spiritual development presupposes a new level of communication with space. At the yellow level of spiritual development there is no such dialogue, a person acts on the principle: I am alive, the world is dead, I use it. On the green level of spiritual development, man realizes the principle of I am alive and the  world is alive, but at the same time the person is passive. At the cyan level of spiritual development, the man is in contact with the surrounding space and acts in accordance with the divine plan.

   As an example of a person with a cyan level of spiritual development is often called Henry Ford. Outwardly, he looks like a man of the yellow level of spiritual development, but there are fundamental differences. So, for example, he created the system of social security for workers in his factory and this changed the world.  

 We will be glad for your questions and for discussion :)    

                                                                   Sincerely yours,                        

                                                                                                       Ms. Tedda  

Previous posts on the topic:  

 Levels of spiritual development #1 The idea of the levels of spiritual development deserves attention: theme introduction 

 Levels of spiritual development #2: Why it is important to know about the levels of spiritual development

Levels of spiritual development #3: Our evolution on the levels of spiritual development

 Levels of spiritual development #4: Red level of spiritual development 

 Levels of spiritual development #5: "Red Tails" and what to do with them  

Levels of spiritual development #6: Orange level of spiritual development

 Levels of spiritual development #7: Yellow level of spiritual development 

 Levels of spiritual development #8: Green level of spiritual development


Nice to meet you !
Thank you for these explanations.

You are welcome :) Thank you for reading!