Philosophy of Tarot Major Arcana: the Renaissance

   Introduction. Often in the people's minds Tarot cards are associated with a gypsy woman sitting in a tent and predicting a future that can not be changed .

    For me, Tarot - is primarily a philosophy, strict and logical system, a textbook of life, simple rules, following which you can make your life easier and brighter.

    The Major Arcana describe the life of a person, his evolution. Minor Arcana talk about everyday situations. When Major Arcana come to our life it gives us a specific kind of energy. You can use this energy to improve your life.

    Senior Arcane Renaissance is last of the cycle Arcana. The cycle includes the Hermit, Death, the Tower, and the Renaissance.

    In the picture we see a clearing. From the grave came three people: a man, a woman and a child. This means the regeneration of our three inner parts: male, female and child. They are naked: with what we are leaving this world, so we return to it in the process of reincarnation. We can not take with us any material values after death, we only have ourselves.

    The man folded his hands in prayer and listened to the angel. Reflections in the sky show that we are entering a new stage. Angel trumpets - he glorifies life, he calls people to move to a new level.

    The energy of the Renaissance is a very positive energy. We did a good job and successfully passed all the stages of the cycle. We rethought our values, abandoned the old ones and removed it from our lives, making room for a new one.

    What is important to understand at this stage. Firstly, often at such times we begin to show false modesty, saying that we are something unworthy or we think that we can not cope with this, we do not have enough experience. It is important to understand that everything new that comes into our life with the energy of the Renaissance comes especially for us. This means that we are ready for it and worthy of it.

    Secondly, it is important to be legible. At the previous stages of the cycle, voids were formed in our life. Emptiness is often frightening and we strive to fill it as soon as possible. Thus, there is a danger that we will fill these voids with something insignificant, and when a truly worthwhile opportunity appears, there is not enough space for it, that is, energy will not be enough.

    Thus, when the energy of the Renaissance comes into our lives, this is an excellent chance to fill it with what we really want. Do not miss this opportunity!

   Sincerely yours,        

      Ms. Tedda 

(thank you my husband Alex for placing this article in his blog @torem-di-torem)  

Picture: Tarot of Twelve Rays (Isset Kotelnikova)      


I'm reading posts here on steemit and just found the Arcan - this is XXth one right? The meaning match to the situation regarding cryptocurrency revolution which is just a part of the bigger change.