I created this name about 10 years ago when I first step into the internet world as a newbie. It just pop-up in my mind and I found it fun to use this name. I am a born again Christian and Spirit-filled Jesus follower and I love to share anything related to Christianity. However, I will put more focus on Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Healing and Health, Christian finance as well.
I am a real person but since I like dolphin very much, I just use a dolphin as my covering image and my profile picture as well. I enjoy two things in this world very much : food and sleep. Besides that , travel, sports such as badminton, soccer, martial arts, jogging and exercise, cooking are some of the many things I enjoy to do or watch on TV.
I always go to visit the homeless people in a regular basis and giving out food and drinks to them. By listening to their hardship and pray for them as well, I learn more about life and how much of the love of Jesus can be. I thank God I have already led more than 10 homeless people to get to know Jesus as their savior in the last 5 years. Living on the street is no fun at all and by looking at their hardship of the homeless , I receive this vision about 5 years ago and started to go to visit this group of people ever since then. I can't do too much to help to solve all their problems since I do all this as an individual . But by the grace of God and the love of Jesus that motivates me to do this, I feel happy to share some of my times and love to reach the lost on the street like this. As long as God knows what I am doing on the street and seeing that little hope from the eyes of the homeless after somebody care about them , I think I have already experience the best reward in my life.
In the last 10 years, I always enjoy learning new stuffs on the internet especially related to e-commerce since it is so happy to make some extra cash online for free and it is also a happy experience to see people like a product or services that I have offered to them. I do enjoy the freedom to work online and still need to learn more. I am looking forward to get to know more about Steemit and looking forward to explore this platform in a new way. That's my introduction and I hope more people will read my posts in the future. May God bless you all.
The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world's problems.
- Mahatma Gandhi