Am I missing something here?

in #self8 years ago

I've been reading through A LOT of posts, and then most of the comments. I find them just as interesting as the story a lot of the time. Apart from when I come across the comments that say "I'm following you, please follow me" or something along those lines. I don't know about anyone else, but I find this a little bit self-indulgent, and almost desperate . I know they're just trying to gain followers, but surely that isn't the way to go about it. It comes across (to me) like the person is only following the OP because they want them to follow back, And not because they're interested in what they have to say.

How I see it is, to write what you're passionate about. Childhood, family, events, your knowledge, skills, funny stories, etc. etc. Do that, and like minded people will naturally start to follow you. And only comment if the post/comment invokes a feeling or emotion inside of you. Or because you want to show gratification for what you've just read and/or learned. Not just because you want another follower.

I imagine what happens then is, they might oblige and follow back, but there's a good chance they won't read any of their posts. Also, it will give false stats, and will cause self doubt. They'll wonder why they have loads of followers, but hardly any response to their content.

Does anyone else think this, or am I missing something???