Letting Go Of Bad People and Improving Yourself

in #self8 years ago

I’ve always tried to win people over….to make those around me happy.
I thought it was my job to make them happy. Happy for them and myself as welI, I was a people pleaser. Little did I know these small gesture’s would not be right for me as a person. It didn’t fit within my program.
Even though, I’ve done it over and over again.
For what, why do we … do this? I call it the, “bambi factor.” We want to help those and what we see in need we try to help or fix.
Learn to help others, the right causes, the right people, right?
I’m going to take the insanity quote, and adjust it some….. “Whatever is not working in your life, if you keep doing it over and over, it will gain the same result, same thing, same circumstances, same people, all the same thing.”

  • this quote is by a lot of smart people, they knew this principle.

You’ve heard the old saying, “Bird’s of a feather flock together?”

I’m not going to explain it here, if you don’t understand look it up.

Are you a chicken or an eagle? I will give a few steps, to learn which.

The first step is to let go of dead weight, those old birds, let them go. You’ve been in the hen house long enough. The fox has gotten all the eggs.

An eagle builds a nest that can equate to almost 2 tons and nine feet in diameter. They usually mate once a year. The mother and father share the responsibility of the babies. If threatened or harmed, usually the father has created another nest to retreat to. After all of this they usually have only two chicks. Usually one sibling might kill the other. The parents are alright with this. They are lone birds. I don’t think they are family oriented, to say the least.

In much the way we are alone with our own problems as the eagle is. That is an old way to think. Who created that eagle?

Who created you? Is it just a fluke, some mistake? No there is a reason. What reason? That is up to you and God. First let go of those old thoughts, what people have said to you, what do you think about yourself?

Let those beliefs or as I call them anchors… Let them go.

Why anchors? On a boat if you are stuck the anchor could be the problem. It could be caught on something. It depends how long do you want to wait? After a while you will know, know when to cut it lose.

When you let go of those old anchors, those boats will float away. You will show God, that I’m ready to move on. Into another harbor.

When God see’s this, some new boats will come into your new harbor. A few at first. then more as you set your anchor down. As long as that anchor is set for good as well as good intentions.

It’s your harbor first.


It’s the boats you choose. Be careful with those. Make sure the hull is upright, sail and mast are taking them where they want to be. Do they know how to sail, did they just start, or are they an advanced sailer. You need to know. Keep an eye on those boats and your harbor.

I grew up with water, boats and cars, airplanes too. My father would do what he had to do for me to experience them. You would be pretty hard to find a car, motorcycle or boat that I couldn’t sail or drive. Hey I might could be able to do the engine work, but I would happily learn if I couldn’t. I would at least try.

An airplane, I might could save your life if it was the only way out.
Not much I can’t figure out. It was instilled in me my whole life, if it was mechanical I would find a way. As the years went by life got less mechanical and more emotional. That’s where it got hard.

Things got more emotional as my father was away working in his construction business, my mother was at a retail store. As being the only child I learned to find ways to stay busy. So my grandparents would pick me up on a couple of weekends a month. My grandmother had a plant nursery, very busy on the weekends, I would push a cart and help customers with their plants they bought. It was so nice to meet all these different people. Meanwhile my grandfather would be doing the books for a couple car dealerships, and watching sports of course.

At other times my parents and I went to the lake to go sailing and boating.

At the age of 4 I was on a pier in a lake known as Kerr Lake on the border of Virgina and North Carolina.

My mother and her friend were with us. They were back at the shore. It was just my father and I. He had a small sailboat at the pier. As my father went into the store I was on the pier waiting. I ended up falling off the pier.

Now at 4 I couldn’t swim, barely dog paddle. I sunk to the bottom.

My father came back to the boat and couldn’t find me. Immediately jumped in the water and pulled me up from the bottom. I still can remember the weeds and coughing up water. He jumped in with his clothes on.

This stuck with me the rest of my life.

We ended up taking scuba diving lessons some 8 years later. Was so fun. I was so young I didn’t pass the hard parts of the tests to get certified. Was a big disappointment. The scuba instructors said they had never seen a guy young as me go through training like that.

Basically Marine water training.

To this day I have no idea why my father did that.

He was tough, but always fun.

To this day I don’t have my certification, it was not important. What was important that my father was trying to instill something.

An Anchor, those that come to harbor, those that need to figure out their harbor.

Harbors are like our mind all kinds of boats, ships come in, what ship’s and boat’s do you want?

Are the winds calm, is the weather, waves and currents calm?

Is your hull upright, sails at mast or for power boats engines at readiness?

After all this time, the little I was around these crafts I could tell you with deep down confidence, I could fly an airplane pretty good, I know enough to get through. Any car would be 100 percent and almost any boat. A little poem I wrote for those afraid to venture….

“The ocean ebbs and tides, the moon is the reason why. It seems like a back and forth flow. If you go with it and you will know.”
This little poem is about life’s ups and downs. Going with the flow or going against it. We usually find ourselves going or not going, right? Sometimes we don’t know what to do. That’s when we get into our cocoon. We choose to not accept either side. We think it doesn’t matter which side I choose, I will lose either way.
I beg to differ. Get a piece of paper and draw a line down the center. On the left write down everything that is wrong with you and your life. On the right everything that you have gratitude for. Now I’m sure you will have more wrong than right.
Let me do mine right now to show to you:
I’ll start with the bad on the left, I’ll number them.
I never did well enough in school.
I always felt stupid according to my teachers.
I was always getting into trouble.
I couldn’t really get my parents approval.
As I got older I drank too much.
I got into too much trouble because of drinking.
I was very unstable with relationships.
Could be jealous early on.
Hardheaded, Mean, Vulgar, Disrespectful, No respect of authority.
I hated me.
Used material things to prop me up.
So I think for just winging it I came through with what was bad or negative…things I wish I could correct or make better. Will not be as much as the other side.

So for the right side, positive things about me and my life…
I’m here and healthy.
My parents no matter what…. love me.
God loves me.
I can do anything that I set my mind to.
I have learned a lot of good and bad and it made me stronger.
I have great ideas, very creative, even if it isn’t fruitful it brings joy.
I see the world differently than most people.
I love nature, animals and culture.
I look forward to each day and what it beholds.
. SoI want to live each day like it was my last.
I love to be alive and sleep and dream as in my dreams I can try things I want to do in real life.
I look forward to the next challenge and to find a solution.
I’m glad I can produce my own life and it is mine. I choose my course to a degree.
I no longer hang out with people that bring me down
I get up an hour before sunset and look at the moon and stars, on a clear morning and remind myself, “I’m still here, what are we going to do today?”
You tell me. My main reason to write such material is to expose and change our idea’s.


You need to surround yourself with good people and you can get far in life. If you got the right people around you both in business and social life then you got it made.

I think Bad People Is Sort Of A sign of the times,
Something is happening here on earth,
My Paths have Crossed
I Choose To Forsake Them For Sure
We Are Taught To Be Selfless And
Then Ending up With The Selfish
Keep Steemin on
Selfishness will be forsaken

Your exactly right. I've noticed girlfriends, people I meet, neighbors rarely
do they ask anything about you or try to get to know who you are. Maybe they are
scared or being private, usually though selfish.