How to have what you desire

in #self7 years ago (edited)

The first thing to have your desired in this lifetime is how you think. Your mind and thoughts are your most powerful tools if used right. Yes how you think shapes your reality cool right who could had guess that you have all the power within yourself. Here’s an example you wake up and say to yourself I hate my job or I don’t like Monday’s. Well guess what you just did a blueprint for those things so because of that you will most likely never like your job or Monday’s until you change your mind frame. So your thinking how do I do that right? Well because we have something called habits it’s real easy just practice saying I love the fact I have a job and Monday are the beginning of a great week or something like that but changing your words to be more positive. Will change the reality of your events. Let’s practice this for a couple days and see if any change happens which I know you’ll see results right away.

So feel free to leave your results and comments below.


What your mind focuses on is what you attract. It's so simple to say, but so hard to truly understand and DO.