Being happy with yourself first.

in #self9 years ago

Many people are seeking happiness but never finding it. They are looking for it in things or people, but failing to understand that happiness comes from within. To find happiness you have to look within first. You must first learn to love yourself as your are and be satisfied with you. Once you learn to love yourself you gain strength and inner peace. You learn the world doesn't matter and what people say about you doesn't matter. Nothing matters but how you feel about yourself. You then start evaluating the people and things around you. If you add to your happiness you keep them, if they do not you exclude them from your life. This is about everything and everyone. You family and your job also. There is medical conditions that make it harder to be happy, but insecurity is probably to most central cause to a lot of the misery in your life. If you allow others to dictate your self worth you are always going to be at the mercy of their opinions of you. It is better to build your own image of who you are, look inside of yourself.

Here is a little exercise. Catalog what you like and don't like about yourself. Write it down and highlight what you like about yourself.
Now to get a better picture of who you are, ask those closest to you, your friends, those you can trust. Ask them what are the things they like the most about you and the things that annoy them. Tell them to be honest. Write that down. Now compare your image to theirs.
Are you surprised about what you see?

Another exercise, take all the good things and write them down, now take all the bad things but don't write them down. Instead take 'You can not make simple decisions', and write down 'Why can I not make simple decisions?'
Now each day take a question and answer it. One a day, spend time, write down why you think it is this way. The things that are making it hard. 'There are too many choices, I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, There is so much to do, I am so confused.' write it down, now matter what it may be, no matter what it sounds like 'I think I am crazy, I feel like I go insane when I have to think about making a decision, What if I am wrong?'

Take the first week (7 days) and answer 7 questions. Take the next 7 days and read what the first day was about and make more questions and in the questions answer them with what would the person you most admire do?
There is so much to do, I am overwhelmed!!!! He would ask what things does he really have to do? He will write down what I have to do? He will order what he needs to do by what is most important to him 'Not other people'. He would review this list every morning, adding, removing and reordering it only in the morning. The rest of the day he will complete as many tasks as he can. He will not worry about what can not be completed, because it will still be on the list tomorrow. He will skip things that can not be completed and move them up the priority list for tomorrow.

Now take this and remove He and replace it with I. You now have instructions on how to manage your time better.