The basics of self-defense A little walkthrough by Thestreuner

in #selfdefense7 years ago (edited)

When people talk about self-defense you often hear about punching weak spots, defending oneself against knives and blades or using everyday gadgets as weapons.
Now that’s a part of it. But a rather advanced part you can’t learn by watching YouTube videos!

But there are basics you can train at home, which will make you feel safer and more confident.
I say SAFER but not SAFE. That’s because every situation is different. Self-defense is a gigantic topic to talk about
What I’m going to pick up here are only the very basics to give you an understanding of what self-defense is and how you can use simple psychology to make yourself a less interesting target for an attacker.
So let’s jump right in, shall we?

When an attacker choses his victim he most likely wants to keep it simple.
So what is a potential victim?

The perfect victim walks around shoulders down staring at the ground already with the attitude “Please don’t hurt me. I’m small and defenseless”. He/she will most likely freeze when attacked and is unable to protect themselves.
Here’s what you should do to not look like a typical victim:
-Shoulders up and look straight ahead!
-Check calmly your surroundings (not in panic!)
-Act self-secure and self-confident!
This needs a little bit of training if you're not used to it.
The good news is, you can always train it:

When you walk the streets by day

-shoulders up
-Check your surroundings
-Walk self-confident and make yourself a giant
This is your first line of defense.
And you’ll notice it also has a positive effect on your everyday life as well:)

  1. Gesture and personal space.
    This goes hand in hand with point one.
    If you don’t feel safe or someone comes too close to you take your (open) hands up and tell him to please leave you some space (or something similar).
    Do not touch or push them because this could cause aggression.
    Also don’t smile just say it in a neutral but clear way so he understands that you mean it.
    Now, it might be difficult to find that sweet spot between arrogant, aggressive and strict but it’s crucial that you find it. It could help to train this situation with a friend or in front of your mirror.
    Remember your personal space is YOUR personal space!
    You alone decide who gets the right to enter it.
    Keeping a safe distance to people you don’t know or find suspecious is a completely natural behavior of a human being.
    Don’t be afraid to be rude. In the end it’s your body you're protecting and not someone else’s feelings;)

So stay strict.
And in case you’re not sure:
Better walk away (always keeping in mind the first lesson though ;) )
Keeping your personal space clear is your second line of defense.

  1. Voice!
    Your voice is a powerful weapon when it comes to self-defense. You need to learn how to use it properly.
    A yelled STOP in the right moment can give you the second you need to escape
    Also a strict leave me alone has more power than a push.
    A physical attack can be seen as a weakness.
    The right words at the right time can clear a fight without throwing a single punch.
    So make sure you speak clearly and strict.
    Be loud and clear and tell your opponent what you expect him to do and your chance of getting out safely increases.
    Keep in mind: your voice is always your third line of defense.

  2. When everything fails.
    Well, you did your best. But it didn’t work out.
    You’re caught in a situation you never wanted to be in: You’re being attacked.

What now?

A short insertion and personal opinion from the author:

Personally, I believe that nothing is as valuable as my life.
All the money in the world isn’t worth it to get in a fight!
There are only 2 reasons I would get myself in a fight:

  1. To protect my life and sexual integrity

    1. To protect the ones I love

That being said, let’s move on!

Your life or sexual integrity is in danger! What now?
Don’t freeze!
Don’t let it happen!
Scream! Yell! Bite! Kick for the testicles! Go for eyes and nose!
Do everything it needs to get to the point you can escape!

Now RUN! But where to?
LNP: Light, Noise, People
Run where you are seen
Nowadays we are at the very sad situation that people mostly look away when something happens.
So grab someone (yes enter his personal space), tell him what happened end beg for help.
Trust me he / she can’t look away at this point.
If there are security or police nearby go to them.
Do everything to get out of that awful situation!

And when secure (I know it’s hard): Try to talk to your trusted ones. Find a shoulder.
You’re not alone in this situation.
So please don’t let it eat you from the inside. Get help.
And here I talk to men and woman equally.
I know it’s hard. But once you take the first step, it gets better
I promise! J

I hope you found my little basic walkthrough informative please leave an upvote.

And don’t forget to let me know in the comments your opinion on this topic. And also let me know if you would like to read more about self-defense. It is an enormous field so leave a suggestion what specific part you would like to read more about :)

Ladies and Gentlemen: it has been an honor for me to write this for you and I hope to welcome you all back here on my next post.
Until then I remain with a Cheers my friends
And always stay safe:)

I‘ll leave a link to all help hotlines below



Hey Mate.
This is a very good introduction to self-defense. You focussed a lot on avoiding conficts which is very important. I would like to know more about that aspect. One thing that you can touch on is how to help someone when you see a conflict. One part of the oh-I-just-look-away mentality may come from the fact that they don't really know how to act properly. Of course just instinctly shouting would help but to do that some might want to know how to act after that to avoid further conflicts.
Oh, and I like the way you describe situations with photos.
It has been a honor to read your article!

Hey mate thanks for youre reply you touched two points the first one how to avoid conflicts is also a huge topic witch could fill books il have to tink about how to crusch it down to a blogpost or even a seeries...^^' but interesting sugdestion i think il give it a shot wen i see my self ready for it... you know that situation wen you hear a topic and youre mind blowes with things you wana say? Thats mee on this topic🤣
The second one, how to help out in a conflict is interesting douth... i guess that will be my next project cus i find it an extremly important topic my self:) thx for the sugdestions their mutch apreshiatet
Have a nice evening

You are very welcome. I know that feeling. When I first started my magic blog I was just overwelmed and couldn't keep up with the tempo they all wanted. It is really hard to create good content in a short amount of time when you have so many other hobbies.
I hooe I could inspire you for one or two following blogs, just let them happen with your pace. I will gladly read your nexts blogs, just let me know if I miss any.
I think both are valuable blogs or blogseries you could do but do whatever your mind likes to share. I personally expierienced once a situation like this so I would really like to know how I should have acted.
I have all the time, you know I'm a Berner ;-)
You too, enjoy your day!

Right :)) well the problem with deescalation is as well as in self defense is that there is no guarante for sucsess and that leaves the door whide open for comments lile it dosent work (not that i bother about it) but i wana bring the understanding to the people that if there is a chance to clear an argument without a fight you schould give it a shot
But with making clear that the chance of failing and ending up in a fight is there... my dificulti here is to finde that sweet spot betweek incouragement and selfcounschesness
I will give it a shot in the near future:)
Thx for the love and if you dont minde could you leave me a link to youre magic bloog? Would love to check it out:)
Do you have a specific situation youd like to know more about?
Have a nice day and see you soon:))
Cheers my frend

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