Reflect on your teaching and learning to meet the
diverse needs of learnersEvaluate and challenge your own practice, values
and beliefsInspire and motivate learners with your
enthusiasm and knowledgeBe creative and innovative in selecting and
adapting strategies to help learners to learnValue and promote social and cultural diversity,
equality of opportunity and inclusionBuild positive and collaborative relationships with
colleagues and learnersMaintain and update knowledge of your subject
and/or vocational areaDemonstrate theoretical understanding of effective
practice in teaching, learning and assessment
drawing on research and other evidenceMaintain and update your knowledge of
educational research to develop evidenced-based
practiceEvaluate your practice with others and assess its
impact on learning
11.Manage and promote positive learner behaviour
Understand the teaching and professional role and
your responsibilitiesMotivate and inspire learners to promote
achievement and develop their skills to enable
progressionPlan and deliver effective learning programmes for
diverse groups or individuals in a safe and inclusive
environmentPromote the benefits of technologies and support
learners in their use of new technologiesAddress the needs of learners in English and
maths, and work creatively to overcome individual
barriers to learningEnable learners to share responsibility for their
own learning and assessment, setting goals that
stretch and challengeApply appropriate and fair methods of assessment
and provide constructive feedback to support
progression and achievementUpdate your expertise and vocational skills
through partnerships with employers and the
wider communityContribute to organisational development and
quality improvement through collaboration
with others