Generally when we think about net worth first thing which comes to our mind is money. Money is just a part which we associate with it because we don’t have any we constantly think about it so first we get rid of this money problem.
All the aspect of your life create your net worth are following :
MONEY: it contains all your cash, asset & liabilities, and investments. Active income (for which you have to work ex. Business) and passive income (cash flow without working dividends, rental income)
HEALTH: a person should keep checking his/her health on daily basis exercise, good diet meditation should be the part of his/her life. Good health means high enemy for long duration and its also boost mood.
SKILL : skill is essential ingredient everyone has some sort of skill its his/her responsibility how to turn this into his/her own benefits. Turn your skill in money making machine. Singing is skill of a musician taking picture is skill of a photographer
INFLUANCE :influence mean how much people you can influence whether in real life , Instagram or twitter if you have influence money follows.
What you think guys about this and what should youth consist in net worth or your definition of net worth comment below..!!!
Your network also translates to your net worth. Check my page, I wrote an article titled THE SMART MONEY WOMAN. in building net worth, your network must be intact. Good article