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RE: Police release video of the fatal Uber self-driving car accident

in #selfdriving7 years ago

I am completely agree with you @acidyo.Because there is million's of accident take place all over the world every day.If you make a calculation then you will find it very safe.What we seen in this video it make's us believe that under this circumstance it's just a regular accident like any other by human' driving.Self driving car is not demand of the time,we have to move on and we have to find a more secure way of avoiding thosre accident.Thank's for sharing.


Maybe educating people, but that's already being done and there have been cars everywhere for many decades. This problem will probably stay foreeeever. People are not as good as machines at decision-making on the road.

The problem will be gone when non-self driving cars are made illegal or only regulated to a few zones like tracks and closed neighborhoods.