Dear Hivers, I have spent the majority of this last week undergoing the ravages of what’s now called Coronavirus. I thought I’d write about this experience from the perspective of a ‘Reality Master’.
In a consumerist system, it is clearly understood that limited availability of a perceived necessary commodity will lead to greater short-term demand for that commodity. This is based on fear, which in the case of commodities is what we know as FOMO, the Fear Of Missing Out. All SALE and SPECIAL OFFERS are based on this fear, limiting supply to only a small number, and stimulating demand where none previously existed.
There was an attempt to use this fear campaign en masse when the original Global Warming campaign was instigated, but this failed miserably. Before its detractors buried the campaign entirely, some keen marketing think-tank somewhere managed to sway conversation towards Climate Change which is impossible to argue against because the climate is constantly changing.
The greatest successful large-scale fear campaign has recently passed with the ending (for now) of the Coronavirus Lockdown. The level of fearmongering during this period was masterful and must only be applauded for its success.
How does this relate to my week of Coronavirus snorts, sneezes, shivers, sweats, coughs and headaches?
Fear! Plain and simple.
Removing fear from one's life is a significant achievement of a Reality Master (or whatever term you personally choose to use). I’m not talking about the fear of losing your place in the queue to buy the new iPhone or the fear of losing your job. Here I’m talking about the biggies, removing the Fear of God, removing the Fear of Death, and the Fear of Loneliness. With the removal of these, the insignificant ones fall away. There is a turbulent period of conflict and uncertainty for many who begin their journey to becoming a Reality Master as existing fear continues to battle with new insights and experiences. When fear has been removed, or significantly reduced, it opens the capacity to listen, observe, and explore. It helps establish what Eckhart Tolle calls the Power of Now.
Photo by Yan Krukov:
Last weekend I enjoyed attending a wonderful birthday party and disco for my daughter-in-law. The disco DJ had ‘a cold’. On Monday evening I had a slightly longer gym session than normal. Tuesday morning I struggled out of bed after a sleepless night, aching and tired. I dozed most of my day during work but was home in bed again by 4 pm, and I have remained here since under a sweat-soaked duvet avoiding all screen and tech time, lacking the energy to move other than the absolutely necessary. I ate almost nothing since Monday night and drank nothing other than an occasional hot tea to ease my throat and regular water to replenish the constant sweat. It’s been a most wonderful week.
Having removed the distraction of fear, and with it any incumbent stress, I am able to fully experience events like this that affect the body occasionally. While my body has rested, ached, slept, coughed phlegm, shivered and sweated, my mind has been aware. I have watched the waves of change as my biological system has rallied its immune defences to detect, understand, learn from, and nullify the effects of this new biological incumbent. I’ve championed my body through this time and congratulated it on its development.
I now have enough energy to pen this commentary as my amazing biological body has assimilated this most recent opportunity to develop itself and keep itself effective. My trust in it is reaffirmed, and my belief in self is emboldened. This week has been a purge, a refreshing fast from the habituated eating routines that one naturally falls into, a flushing through of more elemental necessities rather than manufactured ones. How can one be anything other than grateful for these rare opportunities?
I leave you with a quote that I read several decades ago which has always stayed with me. Indeed, it was one of a small number of such magical mantras which fortified me upon my journey towards becoming what I term a Reality Master…
“Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” ~ Napoleon Hill, Think And Grow Rich
Thank you for reading.
Happy Hivemas,
Note: The modified (cropped) image from pngtree is licenced to me for use in this post under my lifetime Personal Premium Plan. Authorisation for plan members is detailed here: