1. Know that you are driven by happiness
There are countless reasons to be happy. Too many to mention here.
2.Use your self as your powerful tool
You are your biggest asset. Create greatness by using yourself.
3. Manage the each moment well
Live and enjoy today! Do not imprisoned yourself from you bitter past.
4. Create each moment
Well planned day is a stress-free day.
5. Smile always
Smile that even your enemy can secretly appreciate it.
6. Be more tolerant
Give more ample possibilities to enjoy life.
7. Make someone happy
Happiness is when you make others happy.
8. Experience the newness of today
Present moment is all that you have. Enjoy!
9. Know your happiness
Do what makes you happy and do what makes others happy.
10. Be serious with humor
Laugh and live longer and breathe better.
11. Attract happiness and claim it
Happiness is your birthright, claim it.
12. Manage your choices
Your choices brought you to where you are right now.
13. Do not settle for less
Happiness is the by-product of the choices you make.
14. Enjoy your journey
Its not about how long the journey is , it is about how much you enjoy it till the end.
15. Establish significant relationship
Stay away from toxic people. Stay with the right people because they will stay even things do not seem to be right.
16. Value imperfections
Choose to be happy in spite of life’s imperfections.
17. Pre-condition yourself the positive way
Good day do not come by accident, you make them happen.
18. Act your emotions
Joyfully doing and giving extra effort in everything you do, joyfully become joyful indeed.
19. Be grateful and contented
Be grateful of everything you got may it small or big.
20. Count your blessings
You have more blessings to count because it is endless.
21. Establish the culture of happiness
Make happiness your daily choice. Shared happiness is doubled but never lost.
22. Live a simple life
Enjoy the simplicity of life.
23. Spend time with loved ones
Make those people who matter to you really matter.
24. Dare to grow in love
Lasting joy will be experienced only when you nurture a loving relationships.
25. Empower yourself.
Know your worth and remind yourself that you are empowered by it.
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that you
check it @kellycomatose
Thank you @gaman