Hello HIVE!

in #selfhelp5 years ago


I am tentatively dipping my toes into this decentralised world as I double-down on my mission to help others deal with significant trauma and to step-into their true power to help heal humanity!

The past 2-3 years have been an epic journey of transformation after suffering a near nervous breakdown working as a group therapist for young victims of abuse. My recovery journey took a meta-physical turn after delving into mantra meditations, visionboard manifestation tools and eventually saw me WIN a competition to attend Rythmia Life Advancement centre in Costa Rica to experience the psychedelic amazonian plant medicine Ayahuasca.

The learnings from my four plant medicine ceremonies have taken over 18 months to unpack and I have continued working diligently in delving into my shadows and even delving into ancestral trauma and past life trauma, I NEVER would have thought 2 years ago that these things were even possible... but I have learned SO MUCH.

I have recently undergone some significant transformations... Working through the deepest, most intense depression of my life... Travelling to Tasmania to attend my first 10 day silent Vipassana meditation retreat which was incredibly insightful and, by far one of the most challenging things I've ever done... I spent a few weeks reconnecting with my family, helping my father on his off-grid property, cutting wood... helping with chores... Having some good talks about life... Visiting with my mother who is living with a cancer diagnosis but so-far keeping it at bay and doing well 🙌

With the threat of this crazy pandemic escalating... I made the tough choice to cut my travels short, return home, leave my family behind to be home in my hippie-den and my partner and my pets...

Through the most tumultuous chain of events... I never made it home 😐

I was collected off the side of the highway late at night by the best friend in the world after suddenly leaving my life partner of 14 years... a beautiful man who supported me through some of the hardest years of my life... But who also carries his own wounds that he will face in his own time... We all have our own path and sometimes it's only big enough for one to walk alone. 😥

After years of feeling my love for him being rejected and; in-turn, feeling rejected and ridiculed myself... I finally chose to walk alone 😬 the hardest and most surreal experience...

I'm devastated that it had to end... But I'm proud that I made the choice to truly honour who I am and what I have to offer...
Now I'm here! in the beautiful NSW Northern Rivers region 🙌

My head is only just starting to stop spinning after this huge period of growth and upheaval... But I've spent the last few weeks being gentle.. eating well... Enjoying this spectacular place... And I'm feeling good.... REALLY good 🙌

It's been a time of huge upheaval for everyone... For most, the world is never going to be the same after this pandemic... I decided recently to add my efforts to making this a positive change... Yes, there is fear... Yes, there is uncertainty... Yes, there are conspiracy theories... But there's also hope that this will be the "time-out" that humanity needed

Through this huge growth period for me, I've become more and more aligned with my intuition and; whilst my mind can easily buy-in to the fear and the conspiracy theories... My intuition has ALWAYS told me that this pandemic will see us emerge into a new way for humanity to heal from the mistakes we've made and to connect with each other in a more loving and authentic way... It's going to be hard, there's going to be turmoil... But it's going to be worth it 🙌

With my renewed sense of self and abundance of time and inspiration I'm going to push-forward with my vision with greater vigour and even more authenticity... Producing content for my channels and working toward some EPIC projects for when lockdown ends... I'm now more passionate than ever to see that people everywhere get what they need to become the fullest expression of who they are because we ALL have gifts to offer this world ❤️

This healing journey has been messy and raw, I know my authentic sharing style can sometimes be hard to witness... But having the courage to be sooo real to you guys acts as a permission-slip to others to talk about their tough stuff too... This is work we all need to do to heal humanity... Because WE are HUMANity... 😉