
in #selfhelp7 years ago

Continuing on from my previous post of living the words that I practice during yoga. It is so interesting how when I am engaged in mind chatter and self doubt I can bring that through into my yoga practice. So how am I living the word focus?


directing a great deal of attention, interest, or activity towards a particular aim.

synonyms: concentrated, concentrating, attentive, absorbed, engrossed, fascinated, enthralled, enrapt, rapt, earnest, intense, studious, fixed, steady, steadfast, occupied, preoccupied, wrapped up, alert, watchful, observant.

I see how not being fully focused and present in moments things don’t tend to go as plan. It’s a challenge at times to stay focused and aware when there are many things to distract, as mind chatter and imagination.

When is it appropriate to allow oneself to wonder off onto imagination land ? I have seen how imagination is always a process of creation, and within this as long as I apply the ‘best of myself’ in being aware and staying focused on the mat during yoga, I tend to do my best practice in all other aspects of my life off the mat.


I use the breath to bring myself back here when my mind starts wandering and I plant my feet on the floor and make myself aware of my toes and my feet literally planting myself here.

I then use a process of self forgiveness, forgiving myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to accept a lesser version of myself, in allowing myself to be distracted, and within this commit myself to bring myself back to awareness in all moments my mind wanders. I see/realise and understand how practice makes perfect.



We miss so many beautiful moments when our minds wander, and we don't even know it! Yoga helps me also to become more aware of how much time I actually spend not being present. Great post!

Thank you for your comments ! :)