An upsetting Tuesday

in #selfie6 years ago

When you look like a train wreck, so you try not to look as dead on the outside as you feel on the inside...


Today I woke up at 2am vomitting, which continued on until 11am, this 24hour flu has been going around. In between vomitting and feeling bad for myself, I noticed Mr. Jangles was acting strange.. I opened the lid of his cage, and he fell over breathing very heavily at about 8am...

I called the exotic pets vet and tried to stabilize him to go out the door.. He had a seizure when I was holding him in my hands and stopped breathing...

it started with a sneeze after playing on the grass... it ended in death. The apartment I moved inti swears that they don't spray for weeds, but they gave me a phone number to call for their lawn care provider.

Once I started to feel better, I went to my job orientation, since I was cleared to return to work by the ER doc. (So I did call in sick at Sexworld, which I feel absolutely horrible about, but I was not functionable at all to even get there on time) My body needed to purge and rest. I went to my job orientation at my other job, which only lasted about an hour of screen time and testing.

Now I am sitting by the little free library trying to pick myself up to go home. Having a creature of this earth, no matter how small and insignificant, breathe it's final breath in your hands, is the worst...

Mr. Jangles was my little bestie. For those short weeks we had him..