I hope everyone is ready to ward off all the April fools jokes coming in soon. Just incase the internet goes down or some such nonsense, I decided to tempt fate and do this post a day early. I tend to be too serious for pranks these days...
I'm also rather serious about my goals for Hive, Crypto and life in general. I was really quite shit at sticking to goals last year - there was a lot going on at the time, even so - I accomplished some epic shit and I rolled some mammoth boulders. You know they say a rolling stone gathers no moss? Well, yes - momentum is the key to that and once you have it, you just gotta keep pushing that bloody boulder no matter what the terrain, lest it change direction and roll over you!
Let's be real for a second though - there are going to be goals that we sometimes set for ourselves that we don't accomplish. That's perfectly ok. It happens, we just gotta try again and keep moving things forward. Even though I personally tend to beat myself up internally a lot about failure and not achieving certain things, I am also human and I also need to be able to fail without feeling the need to metaphorically flail myself into oblivion all the time. Half of the road to success consists of failure and this month, I didn't achieve some of my goals.
March Hive goals:
Reach 2000 HP
PUD 1st March
Post every day of the month
Increase my engagement
Power up every day of the month
Reach reputation level 66
Reach rank of 5000
Reach 2,6million vests
Reach 2000 HP
My first goal I think was slightly too optimistic unless I was depositing Hive from elsewhere. I would have needed to add 650HP to my balance. Powering up my account every day has added just over 60HP and my post and curation rewards have added just under 300HP bringing my total today to 1652HP. Powering up 650HP in a month at this stage is probably not achievable. My account is still small, but it IS growing. I think that adding an average of 300HP per month is not a bad target and it's achievable at my current trajectory. That still means that my account will grow by at least 3600HP in a year.
Obviously I would love this to be more, but I think that's not a bad goal at all and will take my account from Minnow to Dolphin by this time next year.

Image Source
PUD 1st March
Powered up 70HP
Post every day of the month
Unfortunately this month I wasn't able to keep this up. I had a few days where I felt that I couldn't really contribute anything positive to the blockchain so I decided to refrain from posting. While I am enjoying adding posts more often and will aim at posting daily, I'm also not going to post simply for the sake of posting if I don't find value in what I have to say. It's quite subjective I know, but ultimately if I'm adding it to my blog, I want it to be something worthwhile - at least to me anyhow.
Increase my engagement
I do believe that I engaged with many more Hiveans this month, mostly within communities. I cannot say exactly what the stats were last month as I wasn't tracking them, but my engagement stats now stand at:
2235 comments, 3611 upvotes issued, 1751 rewards, 2267 replies, 18212 upvotes gained.
Power up every day of the month
I added 2HP to my account every day.
Reach rep 66
I was able to reach 66.40

Reach rank of 5000
I attained rank of 4585

Reach 2,6million vests
Smashed this one by ending the month on over 3million vests (3034317)

April Goals:
Reach 2000HP (348HP increase)
PUD 1st April
Power up every day of the month
Reach rep 67 (0,60 to go)
Reach rank of 4000 (585 positions)
Reach 3,5million vests (Just under half a million to go)
So even though I wasn't able to smash every single one of the goals I set, I can still see and acknowledge that I put in effort and it's had a positive overall effect. Some other things happened like the launching of PolyCub - which I still haven't actually done much about to be honest, but I added a bit more to my Cub Kingdom and Farm which I think might one day amount to something more substantial. It was much easier to do the second time around as all the infrastructure stuff was already set up. I just had to wrap the tokens and then deposit them.There were also a few new things that I learned and with the latest increase in crypto prices, seeing some movement in the markets has been a welcome change which I'm taking advantage of.
Until next time - stay awesome!

You are on right way. There is continuity in your work which is key to success. Setting Goals is easy but continuously working according to your plan is difficult but you did it. I think your future is a big whale if continue working with present determination.
Hello Ziabutt
Thank you very much for your comment and for having a look at my post. I do agree that sticking to the goals and continuing to chip away at them is the challenge, I appreciate your vote of confidence in my abilities. Let's hope one day in the future, but for now, I'm just going to focus on the next step 🙂
Have a lovely day.
You are welcome and Best Wishes for your success.
Super idea - articulating your goals in order to keep yourself accountable. Lot's of wins in that article. Good luck in April!
Hi Tim
Thanks so much, I had to put something on paper otherwise it was like shooting in the dark really. It will hopefully be a gentle month 🙂
I hope you are well
Absolutely it is! I'm already anticipating the 1st of May to be able to look back at the progress, particularly since this post captures my screen grabs. The building into this HIVE space is rather addictive - I'll tell you what's against me though. I was stuck at home for two weeks with COVID in the last month; one week with it, another as a close contact. I put out a lot of connection and contact in those two weeks, let me tell ya! ;)
Hope you're well, ready for some weekend prompts? ;)
Lol Tim, addictive most definitely and once you start finding like minds, it becomes your home away from home. I tend to imagine it like us all sitting in a boardroom in wingback chairs (because I love wingback chairs) and talking about life, books, outings, art 'n life in general - with good food!
I'm so sorry you were down with CV19, but glad and relieved that you conquered the sucker. I may have had it but not 100% sure and here the restrictions are rather laughable to be honest - so I think almost everyone has been exposed by now.
You can fit a lot of connecting into 2 weeks if you are in isolation, you must have missed teaching though?
I'm always ready for The Weekend prompts, one of the highlights of my week. To be honest because I currently work from homebase, I don't really have real weekends, so being part of the Weekend community helps me to celebrate them in a way that I don't otherwise really get to do - I tend to work every day immaterial 🤓
Hope you have something fun planned for this weekend and the weather will maybe be a bit more suitable for your deck chair reclining.
A big weekend indeed; I need to mow the lawns and clean the bathroom. Will hopefully be all the chores on my list. Teaching didn't stop - I took the approach of zooming into the classroom - connected my big head to the big screen in the room - had a camera on the classroom and we kept going. In the Senior School there's really no time to waste or you simply don't finish content.
I was lucky with CV19 - I had a dry mouth for about three years, and then nothing - if I didn't have to test, I would have thought I was fine for the 6 days and 21 other hours where I was a prisoner in the house (a prisoner of leisure, our little dog went for more walks in a day then he knew was possible).
Think it's time for bed, have a good evening. Tim
The marvels of the technological age - twenty years ago this was in sci-fi books - being beamed into the classroom from a distant location. I'm glad you were able to carry on, I know that with the last few years of school you're under time constraints and shows you care about the kids getting through it all in time. Nice.
Gosh dry mouth for three years would have driven me mad, but it seems like you got a relatively light sprinkling of symptoms.
Little puppy was probably super happy.
Have a nice night 🙂
Three years!!
I mean three hours - relatively painless.
Golly 3 years would have killed me, thought I nearly was about to burst with all the water I drank in those couple of hours. It's really time for bed now ;) cya
Also, sorry for the long comment, I really need to work on not doing that.
Having goals and plans to attain them help move one forward. Clearly you have had a decent month and your gains are well-deserved. Keep up the great work.
Thanks for the kindness Galen, I have some newly found determination which helps 😁
These goals may seem small in isolation but they are part of a bigger overarching plan.
Lift heavy shit.