in #sellingtime7 years ago


Selling is a work i loved
In selling time we must have a strategy ,that can make a customer agree about our selling product ,we must make them seriusly agree about our statement that we explain to them .
Here ,i want to tell u a good selling strategy for your work you done

  1. Greeting , in selling you must give a good greeting to your costumer that can make them happines to meet you
  2. Introduction your self ,here you can make your customer know about you "who you are" and what you company from
  3. Introduction your selling product , and in this sesion you have tall your customer about your product ,what you sell ,and tell them a specification product until they can understand what you will sell to them.
  4. Closing ,and the last sesion ,this so important to you cause here is time to you for making your customer agree to buy your product.
    You must carefully in this part

Ok guys , may be until here that i can tell you all about selling job ,thank for you attantion and the last i say you
Good luck