Hello Guys Today i will tell you little bit about SEO but first:
What is SEO?
SEO is stands for Search Engine Optimization and it's a process of getting traffic (like in natural way) from Search Engine like Google and Bing etc.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Types:
There are two types of SEO:
- White Hat SEO
- Black Hat SEO
White Hat SEO:
White Hat SEO is kind one SEO who works according to guideline of Search Engine and uses some methods, techniques to improve his rank of his website.
Black Hat SEO:
Black Hat SEO is not kind :P he exploits the weakness of Search Engine in order to get more on top rank level By breaking the Algorithm of Search Engine.
So this is was the little bit about SEO today.
Thanks! Please Follow Me
Well in the SEO community, it's generally agreed that -- strictly according to Google's terms -- pretty much ANYTHING you do specifically with the goal of getting better search engine rankings is a form of black hat SEO. And black hat (as we usually mean it) certainly doesn't "break" the algorithm, but does (as you say) try to exploit loopholes.
Arguably a more accurate way to put it is that anyone in SEO seeks to understand the algorithm and take actions that will drive better search engine rankings for a website. But the white hat will see what the search engines are looking for (like quality content) and try to provide that while black hats will look for loopholes (like producing nonsense content with robots).
I agree about "quality content". I think Google wants us to keep links relevant and useful. Google will punish schemes "get a high rank quickly!!!11!!".
If you pursue SEO slowly, organically, usefully, and relevantly, then the rank will go up appropriately. (At least that's been my experience in the year or so I've been focusing on SEO for my sites.)
ohh thank you! for telling, actually i start learning SEO and i love to share wot i learnt
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