SEO Ranking Factors 2018 – How to Dominate Google in 2018?

in #seo7 years ago

We all digital marketers starts a blog or website to rank that site for some particular keywords, and ranking those posts high in Google is the first priority for all of us.
Do you know that how many factors Google examine to rank a site?
SEO Ranking Factors 2018
Well, based on some researches, there are more than 50 Google ranking factors are used by Google bots to understand the quality of a blog. Recently, Search Quality Senior Strategist at Google reveals that there are top 3 ranking signals in Google’s search algorithm, such as:

  1. Relevant Backlinks

  2. Quality Content

  3. RankBrain
    Well, if you want to know how to rank website in Google, then you must be aware with those 50 ranking SEO factors in 2018. However, the single catch you need to know that, there are some factors are damn true, whereas some are controversial, and there are other search engine ranking factors that are just for SEO nerds.
    Top 50 SEO Ranking Factors of 2018
    Here we are going to share best 200 search engine ranking factors 2018 moz, where you will learn all best search engine optimization techniques that should be used by each digital marketer in 2018.
    So let’s begin with it:

  4. Domain Age
    Google Engieer “Matt Cutts” announce that Google algorithm prefer domain age and it is one of the most important factor of SEO to rank a site but at the same time, Good Content Matters more than domain age, this is why some Micro Niche Sites beat some old websites.

  5. Using keywords in Domain
    Getting keywords in the domain is no doubt a relevant signal where main keywords appearing in the content, so YES if you use main keyword in domain and use that keyword and its variations in content, then it is consider as ranking factors in Google algo.
    Tip: Your domain should be not match with the brand like (You can take “” because Amazon is a trademark of

  6. Use Keyword as First Word in Domain Name
    Using this factor, you can get some extra edge over other competitors by using the main keyword as first word in domain name like “”, this is one factor that Google never reveals but it is true that it is a ranking factor that can boost your site’s organic traffic on the search engines.

  7. Domain Registration Length
    Google’s Matt Cutts Said, “To the best of my knowledge, no search engine has ever confirmed that they use length of registration as a factor in scoring. If a company is asserting that as a fact, that would be troubling. The primary reason to renew a domain would be if it’s your main domain, you plan to keep it for a while, or you’d prefer the convenience of renewing so that you don’t need to stress about your domain expiring.”
    Learn More Here.

  8. Main Keyword in Sub-Domain
    It is one of the important keyword ranking factors and here you can include keywords in the subdomain. Moz’s 2011 panel agrees with this statement that it is actually help boost in your ranking.

  9. Importance of Domain History
    Google uses a VERY smart algorithm here and the domain history decides that whether your website is Good or Bad in the Search Engine. It talks about who you are on web, and Google always give priority to good content and repute from the get-geo.

  10. Using EMD (Exact Match Domains)
    EMDs are always being one of the top most beneficial ranking factor and it still make a difference and a deciding elements for Google SEO ranking factors. However, Google algo reduces the ranking of low-quality EMD domains in search results but EMDs with quality content get an edge over others always.

  11. Penalty on WhoIs Owner
    Once you have caught in the eye of Google, and in Google terms you proved as Spammer, than all the sites owned by the same person could face de-indexing in Google.

  12. Country Code TLD
    The country code TLD boost your search engine ranking for the particular country, but it limits the site’s ability for global ranking.

  13. Use Keywords in Title
    Entering keywords in the title is a smart way to rank better in search engines, if you are looking to increase your SEO ranking. This is one strong On Page SEO signal to the Google for boosting your page ranking.

  14. Title Tag Starting with Keyword
    Based on Backlinko & Moz data, title tags having main keywords at the beginning perform well than when keywords are used at the end of the title tag.

  15. Keywords in Description
    Using short tail and long keywords naturally in description is quite relevant and it make a difference, although it isn’t must do task.

  16. Keyword in H1 Tag
    H1 tags are the second title tag of Google by targeting the right keyword in H1 tag, the Google SEO ranking get boost by using main keyword in H1 tag.

  17. Frequently used keywords in Phrase Docs
    Using keywords in content frequently can boost up SEO rankings, however, it is advisable not to go overboard, as it may affect the write-up and ranking may suffer with this term.

  18. In-Depth Content
    Longer Content is preferred than shorter once, SERPIQ found that the content length correlates with the SERP position.

  19. Keyword Density Factor
    Keyword Density is a factor that Google uses to examine the topic of a web page, and excessive use of keywords can have negative impact on SEO ranking.

  20. LSI Keywords in Content
    LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords in content extract meaning from words with more than one meaning and it enables writers to come up with quality content. LSI keywords help web spiders to grab your post on vast topics asked by users on search engine.
    We recommend you to use below free tools to get some quality LSI keywords:
    • LSIGraph

  21. LSI Keywords in Title and Meta Description
    Using LSI keywords in Meta description and title helps Google to discern between synonyms and this increases your SEO rankings.

  22. Duplicate Content
    Strictly NO to duplicate content, even if it’s slightly modified, as it can negatively influence search results.

  23. Page Loading Scheme with HTML
    Page code and file size affect the speed of the loading page. The search engines take into account the page loading speed as one of the factors that affects ranking. A page that takes more time to load is not preferred by Google.

  24. Page Loading Scheme via Chrome
    Google also uses Chrome user data to handle the page loading time that is better as it takes into consideration the speed of the account server, CND usage and other signals that are not related to HTML.

  25. Canonical = Rel
    Using the tag in proper fashion prevents Google from considering pages with similar and duplicate content.

  26. Optimization of Images
    Optimization of images with file name, ALT text, title, description and caption are must have factors for ranking in search engines.

  27. Recent Updated Content
    Updated content is crucial for time-sensitive searches and Google shows the date of page’s last update.

  28. Magnitude of Content Updates
    Adding fresh updates and removing insignificant sections are more important than spinning around a few words, Freshness factor depends on the quality of the changes made.

  29. Historical and Page Updates
    Adding new content to a page adds freshness to your website and make sure the updates should be added frequent. This is another technique used to boost rankings.

  30. Prominence of Keywords
    Make the keywords stand out by putting them in the first 100 words of content, and it’s a significant relevancy signal.

  31. Keywords in H2 and H3 Tags
    Making the keyword appears in the subheadings, in H2 or H3 format, is another relevant factors for seo rankings.

  32. Order of Keywords
    Keyword Research is quite important and keeping the keyword phrase in the same order in the content can rank better in search engines.

  33. Outbound Link Quality
    Some SEO Experts explain many times that linking out to authority sites sends trust signals to Google, thus improving ranking.

  34. Outbound for Link Theme
    Moz says that search engines use the content of the pages you link, as a relevancy signal. If you have a page related to mobile devices that links to movie-pages, then it highlights in Google’s eye that your page is about movie cars, not the automobile.

  35. Good Grammar and Spelling Check
    If your grammar and correct spelling are a measure of quality, but Matt Cutts never clearly stated if that counts for Google ranking.

  36. Syndicated Content
    Original content is crucial, spinning of content will not get better rankings and Google may penalize the blog or website for low-quality content.

  37. Supplementary Content that helps
    As per Google rater guidelines docs, helpful supplementary content offer the best quality of the page and its ranking in Google. The supplementary contents are currency converters, loan interest calculators and investment recipes.

  38. Multimedia with Content
    Images, videos and other forms of multimedia enrich the quality of the content.

  39. Number of Outbound Links
    Over adding do-follow outbound links leak page ranks and it affects the ranking in negative side.

  40. The number of internal links on a page
    The number of internal links to a page that explains about its relevancy to other pages on the site, and this is a true statement and helps in SEO ranking.

  41. Quality of Internal Links of the Page
    Getting internal links from authoritative pages on domain that has stronger effects and impact from pages with no or low PR.

  42. Broken Links
    Broken Links can affect SEO ranking and as a search engines take into account the usability of a website. If the search engine spider visit your site and comes across a lot of dead ends or broken link, it can create problems. If it finds too many 404 error pages, it diminishes the value of the website.

  43. Readability Score
    YES you need to focus on user-friendly content, because visitors prefer to read simple language and Google boost the site that can engage with the readers to keep them holed on the site longer.

  44. Links That are affiliated
    “Affiliate Links” do not affect your SEO rankings directly, when there is an excess of affiliated links, Google Algo looks deeper into other quality signals on the site, to judge whether or not, it’s a thin affiliate site.

  45. HTML Errors
    Sloppy coding and HTML errors are signs of poor quality site and some SEO experts have the opinion that has a major sign of weakness.

  46. Domain Authority for Page Hosts
    All things being equal a page of an authoritative domain and it will much higher on the search results than a page on a domain with lesser authority.

  47. Page Rank of the Page
    Earlier, higher PR pages rank better than low PR ones, Google has now stopped updating page rank. It does not hold much significance at present.

  48. URL Length
    Long URLs adversely affect search visibility and as small URLs are easier to recall than longer once, and using small and sweet URLs with main keyword can target audience is a better option.

  49. URL Path
    The page that is closer to the homepage gets a boost in search engine ranking.

  50. Page Category Matters
    The category of the page matter a lot, and If you are talking about Search Engine Rankings. The page that is closely related to the searched category gets ranked well than the once that’s unrelated or less related to the searched option.

  51. Keyword Usage in URL
    Using the keywords in the URL is quite useful and one of the most important relevancy signals.

  52. URL Strings
    Google actually reads the categories in the URL string, providing a thematic signal of what the page is about.

  53. Bulleted Pointers
    Bulleted and numbered pointers make the content easier to read and Google prefers such writing.
    Final Verdicts:
    We have added 50 SEO Ranking Factors 2018 for getting best ranking in search engines. So if you like this post than do share it with your digital marketing buddies. If you have any query than please share it with us in the comment section below.

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