Good Morning....
...and just to let you know, I checked my power ball this morning. Unfortunately, I don't think $4 is going to get me many art supplies for my retirement.
It's not raining here either, but I did give my porch plants a slurp of water just now. Too bad it was about 2 weeks too late. I don't think they love me very good at this moment. :)
Oh!!! Thanks for the reminder. I should check mine! :) Plants! The lottery ticket was almost a bust.
I won $2.00 Not even a Hamburger meal at McDonalds, if I so chose to eat there. :)
Now that I think of it, I got a hundred percent return on my investment LOLOLOL !! I paid two dollars and got back four ! .... and here I am complaining. Now if I only buy one ticket and keep $2, then I have nothing invested when I win the bajillion dollar jackpot.
You mean they don't have a dollar menu?? Uh !
Maybe? I don't eat there! Lol