A probabilistic approach to 911

As presented by both the Main Stream Media (MSM) and the 911 Commission, the Official Narrative of 911 would have us believe that there we’re no “internal conspiracy” involve in the circumstances leading to this fatal day of September 2001. That is, the only “conspiracy” on that day was the one masterminded by “Al Qaeda” alleged leader’s Osama Bin Laden! Accordingly, the incredible numbers of “anomalies”(1) that can be accounted for, either before during or after the attacks are only products of totally independent yet simultaneous occurrence of randomly distributed events.

Thus, since there is no relationship between each of those anomalies (i.e. no conspiracy), they would yield an independent probability of occurring simultaneously. Statistical Analysis teaches us that in that instance, the probability of many occurrences is represented by the product of the probability of occurrence of each independent event.

For example, the fact that there we’re an unusually high number of Put Option placed on both American Airline and United Airline in the weeks leading to the attack is supposedly the product of chance since both events are not related and there was no insider trading involve(2) . Say that there were a 1/10 chance for the number of American Airline Put Option to occurred. Say that the same probability hold for the United Airline Put Option to occurred. It follow that there would be a 1/10 x 1/10 = 1/100 chance of both event simultaneously occurring if they we’re independent.

Now lets pretend that every anomaly have an associated probability of occurrence of 1/10. For example, consider the Put Option anomaly as one having 1/10 chance of occurring, instead of 1/100 as in the example above.
• That is 1 occurrence;
• The fact that an inexperience pilot could hit WTC 1 on manual pilot at that speed and altitude when most experience pilots say they could not have done it like this(3) = 2;
• The same apply to WTC 2 = 3;
• And the Pentagon = 4;
• The chance of a high rise steel building collapsing as did WTC 2, even when it never append before or after in the history of high rise steel building(4) = 5;
• Again, the same apply to WTC 1 = 6;
• Oops, we forgot WTC 7 that was never hit by a plane, nor mentioned once in the 911 Commission although it collapse in it’s footprint at near freefall speed at 5:20 pm on September 11 2001 = 7;
• Larry Silverstein leases the WTC complex from the Port Authority of New York for the next 99 years for a few hundred millions dollars in July 2001. He takes a Terrorist Insurance Policy and collect $4.55 billion in 2007(5) = 8;
• The fact that no surveillance camera were able to film the “plane at the Pentagon” = 9;
• All Pentagon Defense were down = 10;
• NORAD was unable to dispatch any Fighter Jets for almost 2 hours so it could intercept the high jacked planes although it happened over 100 times in 2000 and the planes were in the most defended airspace in the world(6) = 11 ;
• The MSM never reported Erin, a Force 3 Hurricane that was looming a few hundred miles east of New York City on the morning of September 11 2001 while Hurricane Iren (same letter but only a force 1) was reported for days before hitting the east coast in September 2011(7) = 12;
• The passport of hijacker Satam Al Suqami was found intact a few blocks from the WTC 2 where it first crashed, then burned, then collapsed(8) = 13;
• John P. O’Neil was a Special Agent in Charge of anti-terrorism at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. His unit was investigating Osama Bin Laden until 2001. He resign claiming he was obstructed from conducting his Al Qaeda investigation and died as Chief of Security at the WTC on the morning of September 2001(9) = 14.

We could go like this over and over as the list of incredible coincidences occurring on 911 is much longer. In any case, if we were to compute the probability of those anomalies independently occurring simultaneously by chance giving a 1/10 chance for each of them, we would have 1/10 exp14 chance, that is 1 chance over 100 trillion.

1- http://911research.wtc7.net/sept11/analysis/anomalies.html 2- http://www.rmi.nus.edu.sg/documents/research/rmiworkingpp/wp0711.pdf 3- http://pilotsfor911truth.org 4- http://www.ae911truth.org/ 5-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_Silverstein 6-http://911research.wtc7.net/planes/analysis/norad/ 7-http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/2001erin.html#FIG1 8-http://911research.wtc7.net/disinfo/deceptions/passport.html 9-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_P._O'Neill