I was really hyped about this show not because i am a fanboy of marvel or something like that but for the simple reason that like good superheroes films and series but oh boy i could not expect this.
General info and Plot
Inhumans is a 8 episode and 43 minutes action adventure and Sci-Fi Marvel series that released at 29 September 2017 in USA.
Inhumans is a series about (guess what?) Inhumans, you can say a type of mutant humans with superpower that live in Attilan a ''secret city'' that is kept invisible in MOON. In the Tv series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D that inhumans introduced we learned about their background and how they got their superpowers. Basically, many many years ago a high technological advanced tribe called Kree ( some blue aliens :P ) that had many loses cause of an ongoing war chose to arrive in this planet and take some humans in order to experiment on them with outer motive to make them soldiers for their war.
What they did is changing the human DNA and giving them the opportunity to acquire superhuman powers and abilities through Terrigenesis. The terrigenesis process is quite simple. in the show they just enter at something like a crystal box (imagine it like were you take a shower) and with the rare terrigenesis crystals a mist cover them and activate their cells. Right after that either they take their power immediately or they wait a couple of days in order to realize what that power is. For example if one gains overwhelming strength he can pretty much realize it pretty quickly instead of someone that can speak to animals. There is ofc a small % that can remain human.
inhumans trailer
Let's get back to Attilan the capital that ruled by the royal family having as king the one and only Black Bolt with the superpower of extremely destructive hyper-sonic voice that can decimate everything and because of that he don't speak at all at the show (in my opinion for the best, the dialog is quite bad). Next to the king is his queen Medusa and her super power is to control her head hair! ( i am not joking, that's one of the reasons they called her medusa, if you go back to Greek mythology medusa had snakes are hair that could manipulate so it's pretty much something like this). Next one is Crystal sister of Medusa and her power is to manipulate all elements ( fire, water, earth, air). Now we go down to their cousins Gorgon , Karnak and Triton and their powers are, for Gorgon to have bull like legs that can generate great ground shock waves, for Karnak extreme intelligence, martial arts and sensing the weak spots of everyone and Triton is a fish like inhumans with all the traits a fish has. Finally my favorite one of the royal family is LockJaw a bulldog that has the power of teleportation and whoever touches it can teleport too!
Ahh i forgot Black's Bolt brother Maximus that according to what we saw on the show he has no powers and is just a human and because of that he tries to overthrow his brother take lead and become the king. With that the whole adventure starts. the royal family escapes to Hawaii in different locations( because i dont know they wanted vacations :P ) and from there they have to find each other end Maximus Madness and save Attilan and the rest of inhumans!
My Review
If you read all this above you may be thinking what a great show i better go watch it or even worse you may already have started from my persuasive writing (if that's the case i feel bad for you guys). Although all these things sound promising the reality is very different and the reasons are:
1) the costumes are like they went to the first Halloween shop they found the bought them
2) the dialog is completely empty. The sad moments aren't sad at all ( without a few exceptions) like the funny ones aren't funny at all ( and if you think about it we talk about ''aliens'' that no nothing about how humans live so everything is to them in earth). A couple of moments that they talk have no sense or maybe have no sense for just 8 episodes that they made. it's like a teen show dialog that have many potentials to evolve and bring feelings to everyone but with 8 episodes :P that's not gonna work
3) The fight scenes are lame ( i dont need to say anything more)
4) if you know about inhumans and you are a marvel fan you get more than me how worst it was. from a lot of review i read for fans one of the most annoying thing for them was that in comics the royal family was badasses with immerse power and here are like a bunch of losers!
Overall rating on IMDb 5.3/10
Overall rating on Metacritic 3.9/10
Overall rating on Roten Tomatoes 3.43/10
Overall rating of me 4/10
so inhumans or inbucket?
what you guys think about inhumans? i am waiting for your comments
credits and images 1 2
OMG it was sooooo bad! I watched the IMAX premiere, and even with the extra money, it was so very low-budget. Just a mess of things. I think the showrunner was the same guy that did Iron Fist, another Marvel flop. It's a shame it turned out so badly, and it's a dodged bullet for Marvel that they didn't try to make this into a feature film like they originally planned.
first of all thanks a lot for the comment! yet it was the same guy as in the iron fist that destroyed it :P and from what i read they tried to capture the teen audience resulting capturing no audience at all :P