Chambers (Netflix Series): Boring! Why is everyone pushing this?

in #series6 years ago

I have to admit that I couldn't make it through more than 2 episodes of this and even the first episode was just terribly dull. Friends of mine who have "gone too far to turn back" have suggested that I should follow my gut and stop watching which was just fine with me because if nearly nothing interesting happens after 2 HOURS of a series, I'm not terribly compelled to continue watching.


Chambers is about a young woman named Sasha (played by the relatively unknown Sivan Alyra Rose) who suffers heart failure and needs an emergency heart transplant, which she receives. However, she is haunted by images of the original heart owner and I suppose some of that is scary-ish.


This is not a new topic for thrillers or horror films / series. The whole organ-got-donated-and-carries-some-scary-stuff-with-it has been done many times, and I didn't really care for those movies either because where do you really go with this?

The problems with Chambers might not be the overall story, it is just that this is plagued with what I think many Netflix series are plagued with: There isn't enough material for 10 episodes and I can't really understand why they stick with this system because they certainly are not required to. Some of the best series out there have only a handful of episodes and this is, IMO, a much better idea. Think about Black Mirror and Sherlock, for example.


One of the non-story-related issues I have with this series is the decision to have Sivian Alyra Rose in the lead role of Sasha. Sasha is meant to be a high-school student and while Sivian is only 20 years old, she looks like she is 30 and appears completely out of place in any of the high-school situations.

I'm not judging. I think I look older than I am as well, but I am not in Netflix series for the most part.

Uma Thurman plays a part in this series and I suppose that could be part of the reason why it is featured so heavily on the Netflix homepage. I wont tolerate series that move this slow, especially when I have immediate access to hundreds of other series any time i want... and I am 2 episodes behind in Game of Thrones.

I'm sure there is going to be some people out there that say that I gave up to early but to those people I say "should I really be expected to sit through 2 hours of tedium in order to get to the "good stuff?""

I'm sorry Chambers, but this is where we part ways



I am glad you have watched this for me and I can now skip this. I watched Icarus today and it was really good. One worth watching and wont tell you anything. It is the length of a film but it is very interesting.

so it is a series? I can guess some of the story based on the title. I'll look for it today.

It isn't a series and it is more a movie documentary. The timing of the filming of this was great as so much happened over this period that forced other things to be exposed.

10 episodes really isn't that horrible. I know at lot of Netflix shows have 13 and it is a struggle to get through them. Other shows like Frontier have 6 and that is just about right. Have you checked out The Protector? I just added it to my list the other day. I haven't watched it yet. I also thought Travellers was pretty darn good.

Netflix really struggling with getting great original shows lately

Netflix = Boring!
Uma Thurman, ah, okay, that's why there is hype.
IMDB 6.7 rating. Sounds scary, probably not going to watch this pile of s...

I didn't watch this show yet (and I don't know if I'll), but I think the hype behind this is just because the presence of Uma Thurman.

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