#serious_post #NT #BUMP

in #serious • 7 years ago

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Hey guys! My friend Parth P Singh, a Btech student (3rd year polymer science) of our institute is in a very serious situation and he needs our help. Parth is donating his liver to his father as his father is going to have liver and kidney transplant simultaneously.The operation will take place atApollo Hospital, Chennai. So, he requires blood donors (ANY blood group). Since he stays in delhi, he is finding it difficult to arrange donors here. As it is a very high end surgery, the hospital is asking for atleast 40 units blood and the operation is going to take place within 7 to 10 days.Therefore, I request all of you’ll who are either in chennai or have friends/family there to please go to the hospital and donate blood.Patient name- Pravin Kumar Singh (diagnosed with liver and kidney failure)Blood bank serial number is 55.Time for donation- monday to saturday from 8am to 4pm.You’ll can reach out to Parth either on facebook or on 09560645886.FB_IMG_1530882477155.jpg (Any blood group will work) #chennai