How to backup mysql database on ubuntu server
Here is how to backup mysql database on ubuntu server, mysql database user "groovy"
password "XgjtCbnhZffdnbbf" mysql database data will be copied to a file "groovydump.sql"
login to ssh
login as: root
[email protected]'s password:
Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 2.6.32-042stab083.2 x86_64)
* Documentation:
No mail.
Last login: Tue Jul 5 21:49:35 2016 from
root@stoli:~# mysqldump -ugroovy -pXgjtCbnhZffdnbbf --all-databases > groovydump.sql
root@stoli:~# ls
groovydump.sql Maildir virtualmin-install.log
To restore dump
root@stoli:~# mysqldump -ugroovy -pXgjtCbnhZffdnbbf [database_name] < groovydump.sql