The Previews Are Over, It's Showtime, The World Is Watching - Episode 1635b

in #sessions7 years ago

Sessions says the US will not partner with groups that are against the US. People are tired of fake news and the people are telling BBC to switch off. The movement is growing more people want closed borders not open borders. Nikki Haley goes to Venezuela and pushes neocon agenda. Israel and Hamas agree to a ceasefire, Israel denies. Russian and Syrian forces mount a major offensive in Idlib. Russian military creates 8 outposts in the Golan Heights. Q drops many new breadcrumbs and the boards are hacked,was this a setup by Q or was this a real hack. The document that was provided said that the encryption being used is easy to crack, if true then they will be able to hack at anytime.


Doesn’t matter where you live any more, individual ideaologies are global now

Thank again, Dave. Again you have given us a lot to think about.

This is more complicated than i thought,america wants to save the world and same america is see as the enemy!!!!! The question here is this "where really is your place in the world america?

We have waited along time and I think it's going to hit like a Mac Truck. People need to wake up. I feel sorry for the ones that can't open there minds. Truth is going to come out. Good job Dave

Everyone is running out of time . It should be interesting to see who scrambles for a chair when the music stops ❓