Private Post Display Settings
Not safe for work (NSFW) content
always show
always hide
always warn
What does it mean? what should I choose, I wonder....based on my online search I found this answers :
Always Show: will reveal NSFW material in your feed, including thumbnail images, always.
Always Hide: will always hide NSFW material from your feed.
Always Warn: will show the link, but only as a warning link, which you are able to click to reveal.
steemit account by name lovejoy mention this; when you post NSFW material, then you should 'tag' your post 'nsfw'.
What you are showing above is merely the display preference of the individual user. If you choose always hide you will not see NSFW posts, but it won't affect what anyone else sees or does not see.
Choosing always hide is good choice if you don't want to get distract and not to be constantly tempted to view porn or anything along those lines on Steemit. Steemit isn't about porn. The downside may be that you'll miss posts which are about the 'sometimes graphic' suffering of people in places like Syria.
That is what I get from my online research. So hopefully it helpful. Don't forget to follow me as I still new here.
I need to know how I can mark as "Always Show" and have my update button work, because at the moment I can't update