Day 1/Seven77 Pushup Challenge
By Av Perimetral, sector Monumento, Cumaná. Hoping one day soon this area will be the booming place it once was for friends and families to meet and have fun.
Greetings, everyone
There are many reasons for people not to be able to join this and many other challenges and initiatives and none have to do with not caring about Steem; on the contrary. Many people need Steem/Steemit to work and fly. Other platforms may face the same difficulties Steemit has now and then the quitting game will start all over again. Whatever needs to be done to improve the platform must be done giving those who know little to nothing about the technicalities of crypto markets and block chain key information about the best ways to contribute to the consolidation of our platform.
I’m joining the #seven77 challenge and @nathanmars in his promotion of Steem. I think that Steem and Steemit in particular needs all the help whales can give. @Nathanmars, leaving the platform and your followers will send the wrong message.
I am doing the challenge for several reasons, both personal and related to Steemit. It’s been a while since I did any kind of workout. I am in really bad shape these days, and I plan to change that. I think this challenge may be the motivation I need to get back in shape I am also doing it …
1 For
2 a
3 decentralized
4 multiplatformed
5 stable
6 strong
7 Steem
1 For
2 a
3 free,
4 peaceful,
5 and
6 prosperous
7 Venezuela!
Disclaimer about video:
Mute your player. The noise caused by the strong wind is too annoying. I apologize for that. I’ll see how I can edit the future videos to avoid this problem. I just wanted to record the video in public and emblematic places in my city. I’ll try to do that, with all the risks that entails to show the good and bad sides of the city. I thought this challenge can be more than just push ups.
Thanks for your visit. Join the #Seven77 challenge, Twiter your post and help Steem grow.

Greeting friend !
Welcome in amazing #steemarmy community. Feeling good to see you with 7pudhips challenge. Let's show together the power of #steem to world. Thank you for being part of #seven77 family pushupsbook network Twitter campaign.
One more thing-
You can paste your YouTube link on dtube upgraded version, (there is option to upload or past copy link) that will appear on steemit blockchain. No need to upload video.
And share 7pushups link on Twitter.
Thank you , my friend for helpig me make up my mind about it.
Alway feeling happy having such a good friend like you.
I have edited my reply , you can read above reply again.
Posted using Partiko Android
I did. Thanks for the tip because I just can't even get the dtube site to open sometimes, let alone play any of their videos o upload one of mine.
I'm asuming my internet is too slow.
¡Saludos mi amigo! ¡Qué bueno que estás en forma! Esto es un gran desafío.
Hola. Gracias. La verdad, no lo estoy. Tratare de hacer algo al respecto usando este reto como incentivo.
Thanks for joining our #seven77 family! Welcome, and you gave some great reasons for joining.
Thanks :)
Welcome to the Pushup challenge. Great reasons for joining in.
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks. Let's hope both dreams become true
Sure thing 👍
Posted using Partiko Android
Great job on your seven77 push-ups
Great job. Lets spread the word about steem!!!!
Thanks. Let's steem on
Welcome to seven77 network and gratz for your first day
Thank you
Keep growing with #Seven77 family
Thanks. You too
Hello @hlezama
This is an one time message to inform you about my existence.
My purpose it to support all seven77 members mainly by upvoting their posts.
In near future more functionalities will be added so every member of seven77 network can benefit with different ways.
Following me will auto-register you to my list and add you to the next day voting pool. Every day 0-2 (based on registered members) random members will get a full vote.
Delegating power to me guarantees you a vote every day with a worth based on your collected points and makes you eligible for a boost vote based on other members points and power.
Members with higher points have higher priority and higher vote value and they can also support other members if their points exceed maxPowerPerVote. Delegation needs one day to activated and one day to generate points.
There are already 93 active members and they shared a total of $2.5747.
At the current time my full vote worth $0.0322 but with your help this can change.
Delegating power will increase my vote worth and your reward.
10SP, 20SP, 30SP, 50SP, 100SP, 250SP, 500SP, 1,000SP, 5,000SP, Custom Amount
Make sure you have at least 15 SP left on your account.
Visit s77assistant's daily report to stay informed about any news.
Thank you guys