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RE: The Seven Day Beer Challenge # 3 Including Before & After photos of me drinking Superbock.

.... until you met me!! 😍
But, there are two ways of seeing this, I believe. Either you are not using the right approach to portray yourself as an antisocial grump. Or ... I am drawn to antisocial grumps. 😉 Bed time for me ! Take care Ego :)


Or MAYBE it's time for you to think about your life choices 🤔

Or wait, no, don't do it, I don't want you to drown in a pit of deep despair. Otherwise you are going to end up like me. No one would want that 😶

I would LOVE to end up like you Ego: a good writer, funny, well-ready and smart! 😍

Oh my...oh.
Well, that's the first time, someone told me that.
Now you made me blush ._.