The Seven Day Beer Challenge Day 5 : The infiltrator

I'm probably going to gain a a couple of kg from drinking a week straight :D

Photo 18-03-2018, 21 07 39.jpg

Madonas alus : Lāgeris

So this is a lager. And boy oh boy is it sneaky. I'm going to call this beer and infiltrator because from the moment of opening it you wont notice how it all got into you, and how did it do so freaking fast!
This beer flows like a stream in the woods, quietly getting where it needs to be.
It has a very well balanced taste to a point it's not noticeable after the first mouthful.

Would I suggest trying it when coming to Latvia? Yeah, maybe if you have nothing better to do. But it's nothing special and it will disappear in your gut before you know it!

As the next victim of this 7 day beer challenge I choose ! Hope you like beer!
Rules are pretty simple
7 days
7 different beers you haven't drank before
7 reviews posted on steemit
7 nominations (I already failed on this one)

Happy drinking
Beercake out



Looks delicious my friend. I’m not a huge lager fan, but you have made it sound delicious. Cheers!