Remember that stupid black and white photo challenge from a couple months ago? Well, I always wanted to come with something similar but with something that wouldn't actually suck balls! And yesterday, out of the blue, while taking a small hike, it hit me! So, with this post I am officially starting the seven day beer challenge!
I'll begin my beer week with a Greek one I tried yesterday called "Volkan", a short for Volcano.
Not surprisingly, the beer is manufactured in Santorini, one of the most beautiful Greek Islands, that is essentially what remains after an enormous volcanic eruption that destroyed the earliest settlements on a formerly single island, and created the current geological caldera. The beer is made with "lava rock filtered mineral water and the best of local ingredients; rare Santorini grape honey and ancient citrus medica essence from Naxos."
Here are some photos of the beer:
Illuminati Confirmed?
I won't pretend I am a connoisseur or something. Chances are I would fail a blind test between the beers I typically drink. But I think Volkan had a quite distinctive taste & aftertaste and I really enjoyed it.The beer cap is pretty cool, so I guess it's worth to give it a try just to keep that as a memento :)
Would I drink it again? Probably not, as it was a bit expensive and didn't have that "WoW" factor.
@abigail-dantes and @onceuponatime were the two to first nominate me (almost simultaneously!) for the black & white challenge so I guess it's only fair to start by nominating them. I am sure @onceuponatime will come up with some really cool shit! As for Abi, I think she hates beer, let's see she if she discovers one that she actually likes :D
These are the rules to be taken into account:
- You have to try a new beer every day, for 7 days
- The beer must be something you have never tasted before
- You must put a photo of the beer and write a few words about it
- Nominate someone every day
- If you are a social outcast with no friends to invite you just join the fun. You have every excuse to drink!
- Use the tag "#sevendaybeerchallenge" as one of your five tags.
"If you are a social outcast with no friends just join the fun. You have every excuse to drink!"
I am definitely in this category. So I don't think that I will be able to fully participate, but I will mull it over.
Would gin, bourbon, or brandy count as "beer" under your rules? or are you going to go all anal on us.
Definitely going to
Am already feeling the fun in it
Well, since my purpose was to make fun of the B & W challenge and come with something funny, then yes please, start a gin, bourbon, or brandy count as "beer"! And I am sure you are not a social outcast :P
You will see 😇All right, all right! I have thought about this and just decided I am going to accept this challenge :) @trumpman!
Perfect :D
Kai 3afnika tha arisoun oloi na pinoun mpures....
Έρχεται και η σειρά σου! Ψάξε να βρεις πρωτεινικές μπύρες !
To beer or not to beer? :P
To beer!
Not to beer! 😃
Great Idea! Looking forward to see what other beers you bring to the table. Especially when they're interesting European ones you can't find easily in the states.
Yeah, that's one I like with my idea. If it actually goes viral we will get the chance to see some cool but not really known brands ^_^
I hate beer 😒
Saying "I hate beer" is like saying "I hate oxygen" makes no sense!
Word !!!
Don't listen to him, it makes so much sense!
Beers!!! Yes @trumpman! Cheers! :D
The greatest challenge there is ! Ever.
Oh reallly? Than as the mastermind of the world's greatest challenge I challenge you.
Great ! I am on it !
ισως και το πιο γαματο challenge που δημιουργηθηκε ποτε!
Μα οχι αλήθεια.. ΔΕΝ ΕΙΜΑΙ ΓΑΜΑΤΟΣ? :p
βαζεις γερη υποψηφιοτητα δε μπορω να πω :P
Awesome challenge
Have you announced a beer week on Steemit? :)
I think I just did! XD
I thought it was Vulkan beer at first, made by Doctor Spock on Star Trek. Nice contest lets see what people will come up with. I will stick to my favorites and will opt out of this. Will keep watching for updates.
Come on! It's nice to try something new every now and then :O
I've been surviving on water for weeks now, I do miss weird foreign beers.
Also, is your furniture facing away from the TV? The f***? Terrible feng shui
That's not my furniture, it's my brother's place. I live in a cave!
The contest is going to be fund
I need friends to join me because trying new beer can be scary because if the beer is too Good I have to stay for more bottles at the bar
If your spelling and or grammar starts gong too a bal off shitt, then we will know when you have found your favourite one. Then again, after 1 or two, everything starts tasting good....
How would you know? Aren't you supposed to be the super fit person that doesn't indulge in sinful food ? :P
Attempting to live a ‘healthy’ lifestyle doesn’t de-humanise me.... 🐻👽
I also think that having a few drinks, in the company of fam and friends is one of the healthiest things for the psyche.
Besides, Jesus turned water into wine during a celebration, so, I don't think moderate drinking is sinful at all ;)
P.S. I need to get my arse to Santorini, want to try that volcanic beer.
I can't drink alcohol, health reasons. But someone's welcome to instead drink two beers a day for 7 days so that at least one beer is being drunk for me.
Beertastic challenge ! I am in ...
Awesome! Consider yourself challenged :D
Awesome change ....... wellcome our new world