Second day of this awesome challenge and today’s choice is ‘’Το μπυρόνι της παρέας’’ which is translated as ''The beer for companionship''.
Thank god the beer wasn’t that strong with only 5 % of alcohol as I had to digest quite fast cause a hard workout was on the schedule for today’s ‘’to do list’’.
The taste was quite mediocre and to be honest I wouldn’t give money to buy it again. However, my broccolis were very tasty and I really enjoyed the whole meal.
These are the rules to be taken into consideration:
- You have to try a new beer every day, for 7 days
- The beer must be something you have never tasted before
- You must put a photo of the beer and write a few words about it
- Nominate someone every day
- If you are a social outcast with no friends to invite you just join the fun. You have every excuse to drink!
- Use the tag "#sevendaybeerchallenge" as one of your five tags.
My nomination for today is gonna be @nikosnitza . I know you always wanted to have a reason to drink.So,here you go my friend :p
xaxaxa!! oti yparxri tetia mpira de to iksera!!!
eyxaristw pou me protines!!!
tha prospathisw na mpow sti proklisi ayti!!! :)))
μεγαλη μας τιμη!!!
For communication, we need a bigger bottle ;)
hahaha...I would easily try that too
Μου θυμίζει το μπυρι μπυρι από το discount market 😂😂😂😂
την ηξερες τη μπυρα ομως?? ουτε εγω ειχα ιδεα για αυτο το κατασκευασμα :P
Cheap does not mean that it is not tasty)))
Everyone has their own preferences)))
Some people like broccoli, some people like beer)))
Μπα πρώτη φορά από σένα τη βλέπω. Από πού τη ψωνισες?
I stopped drinking. Yesterday )))
Μέτριο το μπυρόνι δηλαδή!
θα σηκωσεις ενα nomination πιστευεις?
Κοίτα εγώ είμαι του κρασιού και όχι της μπύρα θα μου φαίνονται όλες χάλια μάλλον χαχαχα
xaxa autoi p skeftikan thn onomasia poli brosta :P
10 εταιριες μαρκετινγκ εκατσαν απο πανω απο τη μπυρα :p
Ωραίο το Μπυρόνι σαν ονομασία . Γιατί απο γεύση απο ότι κατάλαβα Μπρόκολο !!!!! χαχαχαχα
χαχαχα σχολιο που θα αφησει εποχη!!