Taken on my iPhone SE
This is my entry for Day 7: " Fixing a broken body: Part 2..." Thanks to @steemitri for nominating me for the Black & White Photo Challenge!
The rules :
Take 7 black & white photos that represent an aspect of your life
Present one image every day for seven days
No people
No explanation
Nominate someone every day. Although anyone can join in
Use the tag: #sevendaybnwchallenge as one of your five tags
I'm nominating @marillaanne to take part in this challenge!
See you soon,
It looks like they're well used so that's a good sign!
Grande! Ce l'hai fatta... Settimo giorno... fine del Challenge :-)
Visto che hai lasciato lì le scarpe e sei a piedi nudi, puoi partecipare al mio "piccolo" contest ;-)
Quayle piccolo contest ??
A piedi nudi nella neve ;-)
Fai ancora in tempo, haha!
A Remi anche participato...ma non c'é piú neve!...😫
Is it after this challenge that your shoes looked like this? :)