
This cat is beautiful for any color.

He is, although he always looks good in black and white

So cute cat and nice photography @nikv.

So cute. I love when cats makes faces like this.

I find it very hard to get my cats to look directly at the camera. He is the only one who will, maybe the others are just shy

Yes I agree. Some cats are more brave and they just don't care. Others are more shy and it is really very difficult to make them to look directly to camera. I am agree with you.

I can do it easier with my smartphone, but when I get a camera they get shy! :)


From left to right...
Tereza, Yuri and Danny.

Tereza has limited vision...we found her completely blind in a middle of a road when she was just a kitten. After a month of treatments, she recovered some of her vision. Her inner eyelids though are always visible.

Partially sighted cats do often have the inner eyelid visible

Beautiful photo! That little chip in his ear suggests he's a world-wise road warrior! One of your domesticated ferals?

Happy Caturday!


One of my strays, he is not a feral. His story is here:

That's quite story... I'm glad he has someone caring like you in his life! He has a cared for peaceful demeanor now.

Some humans are just... well... 'nuff said. I was a rescue from the local shelter; one of a "box of kittens left by the side of the road in the woods." Glad to have a real loving home now.


He is calmer although he sings less. I almost miss it, LOL
People who dump boxes of kittens really do my head in

What a cutie!

Oh is that a cut in his/her ear?

I was wondering who would notice ;) this is one of my wild boys that came to me from living on the streets. His ear was torn while he was living rough

A very beautiful cat. This is her close look.

a little poser (and beauty of course) who knows where the camera is. <3

I find it hard as well, they look away all the time.
This is a great shot, you captured the moment.

Thank you

Very cute innocent Kitty :) Enjoy your Weekend :)

Is he your pet? He looks like my cat. So cute :)

I see a cat
I smile
I like it
So simple
So amazing cats..! ❤

very nice cat

The Cat lady is back with a black Cat in monochrome!