
Its hot, too hot. It's midday and the sun is high. The only thing you can do is find some shade and slow everything down. Relax, grab little snack and chill out.


Learn from the locals, they will show you the way to survive in these conditions.

First post from Australia! What a beautiful place.

Thanks for reading.


For more images and stories - http://www.scottstevensonphotography.ca/


I have chosen your photo and nominated you for the seven day black and white challenge @scottdphoto! https://steemit.com/sevendaybnwchallenge/@hvr/sevendaybnwchallenge-1-noravank-armenia

As it is summer in Southern hemisphere, you will feel the heat, but the beauty of Australia negates all the heat with its picturesque.
Also you will find more diversity in great barrier reef as you are the fond of underwater world.

you need nt to mention Australia. once after seeing kangaroo 90% people will come to know that is Australia. enjoy your trip :)

What about remaining 10% people, what will they think?

Great and beautiful photography man.

Even animals need rest. How much more humans!!! Create time for resting so you won't breakdown

Story of my life right their. Great shot!

He be chillin!😎

What a cute great, relaxing picture. Enjoy your staying

That is THE LIFE!

A good post. If you want your mind, please give me a vote.

Welcome to Australia 🇦🇺


Where are you now?? We are in Victoria.