Sevendaybnwchallenge #3 - Dongdaemun


Hello everybody!
This is my third post for this Seven Day Black and White Challenge! I'm a little bit late oups!! But I hope you will enjoy this picture !

Back to the rules of this challenge :

Take seven black & white photographs, each shot representing an element in your life
Next, post one photo per day during one week
No people may appear in your photo
The photo may not be accompanied by any explication
Designate a new person to participate in the 7 day challenge every day

So, who are interested in? Have #sevendaybnwchallenge as the principal tag of your message

For my third day, I want to nominate @fredo77200 , because I know you are french and working in China! I want to see some beautiful pictures of China!!! :)

Thank you in advance for your comments!
Stéphanie :)


hahaha nice photo and thanks for the nomination

Haha you're welcome! I'm excited to see your pictures !! :)