Private Entry.

Today's theme for Seven Days Outside challenge organized by @erikah is 'Gates.'

This is my entry.

I took these photos outside a quaint cottage in Tasmania, Australia. At first, I thought that the front garden was a little overgrown but when I took a closer look, I could see that it was a well maintained, private entry to a very picturesque residence.



Check out Erikah's #SevenDaysOutside Challenge!

#WindowMonday – Windows #DoorTuesday – Doors #RustArtWednesday – Rust #GateThursday – Gates #StatueFriday – Statues #BrickSaturday – Bricks (bricks only, no pavement elements or cobblestones please) #StreetlampSunday – Street Lamps

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Amazing.... What a nature loving sight.... One can imagin owner's love for nature... Nicely snapped.... Appreciated

I love this entrance. Overgrown but maintained. That is how I like my garden, it has to be an oases of shade because of the hot climate and I love the rainforest.

Thank you @stranded I love all the greenery as I too live in a sub tropical climate and sometimes the plant life suffers due to prolonged heat and humidity. 🌻

Yes heat is hard on the plants. cost a lot of water that's why I create a lot of shade. I have a total different philosophie on how to keep a garden than most people here, most of them are not even gardeners and they like to come to my garden to chill.

Wow ! Great shot ! I love the mix of the two greens and if I'm seeing correctly the beautiful flowers hanging down over the entrance is amazing !

Thanks very much @out4awalkphotos I’m not sure what type of flowers they are hanging down over the other shrubs but it really is very picturesque. I appreciate your visit. 🌺

Very beautiful photos @trudeehunter, I love the second photo, showing more of the plants on top. Thank you for sharing, hope you are doing well!

Thank you @hope777 I like that one best too. The first photo looked better in the post heading because it didn’t need to be clicked on, so much to view the full picture. Blessings. 🌺