I like STEEM a lot, it makes so much sense to underwrite a cryptocurrency with content. Now, I may differ from others but to me it seems important that the content itself is inherently valuable. I know that in the broad spectrum of everything that is being created there is probably little difference between a few Neanderthal grunts and a couple of thousand words of carefully crafted prose; but to me it is important - I want STEEMIT to be a place people want to go and read.
I have been careful not to do what many others have done and seek to make quick gains by repeating the message "Cryptocurrencies are good, STEEM is good". Not because I don't believe it but because I am acutely aware that it is no difference from a bunch of stoners getting together and wisely informing each other that "weed is good".
To my simplistic mind it is important to look outwards rather than inwards for acceptance and therefore value. Rather than repeating the same mantra over and over I am aiming to produce original content. I know that many others are too, through music, photographs, writing, poetry and video. This is fantastic and there are some wonderfully creative people on this splendid platform.
However, there are also lots of 'get rich quick' merchants, we used to call them "spivs", they seek only to make quick and short sighted gains. Rather than enrich the platform they effectively leech from it and weaken the originality of the content - the lowest of the low are the porn reposters.
It is very easy to grab some pictures of a pneumatically breasted bimbo, perhaps wearing an ill-fitting bikini, write a simple disclaimer like "This content is not mine but lifted from some smut filled emporium" and then post it on STEEMIT for votes. There are seemingly plenty of people on the quest for the perfect left-handed website who will gladly give this inane bilge a vote.
So, I am asking for two things:
- Stop voting for this rubbish, go to one of the seemingly infinite websites that will cater for your exacting needs. Really, you can find EXACTLY what you are looking for elsewhere! I know, I've looked.
- Instead of regurgitating content from elsewhere, produce new, real, original smut for STEEMIT, you will have no end of grateful onanists who will appreciate your work.
We can all play together nicely and in the process make everyone a little bit more enriched.
Peace and love!
Hear, hear, brother. There is a time and a place for everything. No need to have everything here. You don't see sex shops in every mall.
As my dad used to tell me whenever I was caught doing something I shouldn't be doing, "There's a time and place for everything and that's called University!". Made me study hard at school that did!
That's what I'm trying to do with my photos from Alaska. Create content that elevates the platform. Hopefully we can reduce the amount of spam that comes to steemit
Alaska is one place I would love to visit. Rugged land and rugged people. I’ll enjoy your photos!
Yeah, totally agree with that
I agree with all your say. I'm really wondering when looking through the feeds how some people get so many votes, for just stealing photos or other content