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RE: Sexualized Society: Women Who Enjoy Being Sexualized Tend to Have Lower Relationship Satisfaction

in #sex8 years ago

Lol! I guess I got confused by comments such as "Yes, we do it to ourselves. I we want it to change we have to change it. Purchasing power speaks.", without reading the preceding comment carefully! And then misinterpreted statements such as this in your article, cos you were talking about women just earlier: "If we think somewhere, even subconsciously, that our partner is interested in us more for the sexual functions of our body than the more substantive aspects of who we are..."

Anywayz, you're back into being a male again! 😂


We, as a society. LOL. And being objectified applies both ways ;) that's how that second quote applies. I wasn't being specific to say that the generalization applies to both sexes because it was an implied generalization about how it applies to us both, but I can see how that can get confusing.

Yeah I agree that objectification goes both ways. It's unfair when feminists sometimes seem to imply it only goes one way.