In the UK went on sale sex robots "Samantha", possessing artificial intelligence. The price of an unusual toy is 3,500 pounds sterling (about 4,7 thousand dollars).
According to businesswoman Tracey Whitmore, the android can switch from sex mode to family mode, in which the robot can support conversation on household topics, including with children. "Samantha can talk about philosophy, joke and tell anecdotes, which she can not, so it's involuntary to switch to a sex regime," Whitmore said.
"She is able not only to speak memorized cues, but to communicate and learn in the course of this communication," the entrepreneur adds.
Samantha is charged from USB, in her head there is a connector for the SD-card, which can be updated. "The robot will constantly develop and will get better and better," - the creator of the toy Arran Lee Squire is sure.
What do you think of it?
Absolutely fantastic. In no time she will develop into the emotional being and able to feel and love. Continue the good work.
Saw this on TV. Well i think there is gona be people who will like it and who dont. For me this thing is crrepy. I upvote follow hope you follow me back cheers 😊