G-SPOT! Do you know him?

in #sex7 years ago

Greetings to the entire Steemit community, today I want to talk to you about point G, surely many have heard it, but do you really know it? .

What is G-Spot?

The point G, more than a point, is an area, which is quite erogenous, this means that it is very sensitive to stimuli, causing pleasurable orgasms and even causing the woman to reach the female "ejaculation".

Why the G?

As it is only the abbreviation of Gräfenberg point, which is given in honor of who discovered it in the 40s, the German gynecologist Ernst Gräfenberg, he discovered this area by accident while studying the female urethra.

Do all women have a G-spot?

This part is quite controversial, since according to some experts not all women have "the G-spot," as Annabelle Knight, a sexologist and relationship expert at Lovehoney, says: "There have been studies that have called into question her They have been amply refuted, but not all women have a G-spot, but 60% of them do. "

Where is this famous spot?

The only sure thing is that this spot or area is on the front wall of the vagina, some claim that G-spot would be at a distance of 3 to 5 cm from its opening in the vulva, however, there are other experts who do not place it at that distance, as is the case of Tracey Cox, sexologist and relationship expert, who indicates that the G-spot "is supposedly between 5 and 8 centimeters inside the vagina, on the front vaginal wall" She also mentions that "The area of ​​point G protrudes slightly, but only when the glands around the urethra swell." Despite all these controversies regarding the distance this point is in relation to the opening of the vaginal vestibule, the truth is that not all women are equal, therefore it will not necessarily be at the same distance in all, it is question of getting to know your partner or yourself, whatever the case may be.

How do we notice this area?

Well we will realize when we find it, because it feels like a grooved pothole, like the roof of our palate, just behind the front teeth.

How could you stimulate it?

There are several ways to stimulate this point, although the vast majority of men would love to satisfy their women with penetration, it is not always the best idea. Why? Because it depends on factors such as position, the level of excitement of it and the shape and size of the penis and vagina, which means that using the fingers is an easier way to achieve orgasm with greater chances of success. According to Tracey Cox, the usual technique to stimulate your partner's G-spot is to stick your fingers up and curl them up as if you were doing a "come here" gesture, remembering that this point needs more pressure than the clitoris. Apart from all this, Annabelle Knight adds that some men have a slight curvature in the erect penis that can help stimulate the vaginal front wall.

Before stimulating G-spot

Before trying to stimulate the G-spot of your partner, it is necessary to stimulate other areas, such as the clitoris, the lips or any other erogenous zone, in order to achieve greater excitement and make it easier to locate this point, otherwise, its couple could feel uncomfortable or august.