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RE: What some people don't get about sexuality

in #sex9 years ago

Of course. It is not something to be encouraged in my opinion, but I dont think the idea should be bashed. If a population turned 100 % homo (which is impossible because no authority can control the desires of so many different types of people into one category) we could still clone human babies by duplicating embryos.


But if you go that route, the laws of naturale selection would go to hell. Plus you would have a more complex system for creating humans, and the more complex a system is the more fragile it is.
This blog reminds me of the film Gattica.

@pompe72 what is gattica?

Sorry typo, the film is Gattaca. In the future, parents select their best genomes to reproduce their kids and the naturally (casualy) born are looked down on. This brings discrimination between the more advanced selected people and the average unselected Joes.