How many orgasms in a month you need to be healthy?

in #sex9 years ago

We have said many times that sex and Masturbation are useful, and scientists have once again confirm this: number of ejaculations per month directly related to men's health.

The key to a long health and strength of reproductive system in your hands. Scientists of the School of public health at Boston University found the more often you are what you ejaculate, the lower the risk of cancer of the prostate. The study was used the statistical materials produced for 18 years. It turned out that men between the ages of 20 and 29 years old who ejaculated more than 21 times per month, 19% less prone to disease than the study participants who made this 4 to 7 times over the same period. In the experience prinmal part not only young men: men aged 40 to 49 years, alakolawewa 21 or more times a month reduced the risk of prostate cancer by 22%.
To determine the cause of this effect requires further study, but scientists believe that an orgasm helps to release the reproductive system from dangerous infections. The study's author, Dr. Jennifer Ryder said: "Ejaculation clears the prostate of potential culprits for the development of tumors." I think not enough time to have sex almost every day? It's not scary: scientists say that a positive effect can be achieved simply by increasing the number of orgasms: the more you do it, the less the risk. If you are seriously decided to take health, we have a great generator sex positions.

In short, it's the perfect way to combine business with pleasure: just increasing the frequency of ejaculations, you can help your male health. By the way, do you have sex with a partner or keep yourself in the hands, does not matter. So if you are in a relationship with girls you have all difficult, it's not a problem. You know that Masturbation in itself brings noticeable health benefits?